Reading Habits

After a few days ‘in hiding’ away from my computer, I logged on today to find myself nominated to answer some very apt questions, in relation to my reading habits, and it was so synchronistic, because today I discovered a; favourite second-hand bookshop had just closed down.,

For this happy coincidence, I must express gratitude to Sheila and; her incredible blog Sheila Renee Parker for the nomination, and the opportunity to remember how much I really love books.

You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How in the world do you decide what to read next?  I always start with an old favourite, in print, the pages would be dog-eared, and the characters would be old friends.

You’re halfway through a book and you’re just not loving it. Do you quit or commit? It’s a rare occasion, if I don’t finish a book. I like to know what happens in the end…..must be my innate curiosity.

The end of the year is coming and you’re so close yet so far away on your GoodReads challenge. Do you quit or commit?  I’d hate to admit that I gave up…….imagine telling ‘everyone’ you’d told, about the challenge “I Quit”?

The covers of a series you love DO. NOT. MATCH. How do you cope?  I rarely worry about the cover. If it’s an author I love, and I’ve invested time in a series, I’m more interested in the storyline’s continuity.

Everyone and their mother loves a book you really don’t like. Who do you bond with over shared feelings?  I stopped following the crowd, a long time ago, so no bonding is required. Where would we be, if we all liked the same type of books, and how boring; would; fewer genre choices be?

You’re reading a book and you’re about to start crying in public. How do you deal?  Unfortunately, when I yawn, my eyes leak terribly, so imagine how much yawning I’d be required to do, when reading a sad book in public?

A sequel of a book you loved just came out, but you’ve forgotten a lot from the prior novel. Will you re-read the book? Skip the sequel? Try to find a summary on GoodReads? Cry in frustration?   Definitely, re-read the previous novel. In fact, I’ve done so, many times before…..did I mention, I love books?

You don’t want ANYONE borrowing your books. How do you politely tell people “nope” when they ask?  I’m very possessive of my books, I only lend to family & trustworthy friends, but I do frequently recommend that people buy a copy on Kindle, or check out their local library.

You’ve picked up and put down five different books in the past month. How do you get over the reading slump?  I head back to my old favourite’s list, and re-read one, or I look for something by an author, I’m particularly fond of.

There are so many new books coming out that you are dying to read! How many do you actually buy?  I wish I could say, I only buy singularly, but I don’t, so to save on the pennies; if several books come out at once, I either wish list them online, or head to the library to check out their recent purchases.

After you’ve bought a new book you want to get to, how long do they sit on your shelf until you actually read them? It depends, some are read immediately, others are stockpiled for a rainy day, but if there’s one, I’ve been waiting for; I treat it like a favourite food, and eat-it-last.

Because these questions made me really think about my relationship with books, I’d like to nominate the following blogs; to take this challenge. It helps you rediscover your love of books; in fact, my fingers are itching to pick up a book now.

A View From My Summerhouse


Sabiscuit’s Catalog

Tales From The Fairies

Bluefish Way

Ken W Simpson Poetry

27 thoughts on “Reading Habits

  1. Hiya Julie, thank you so much for nominating me. I was thinking of tanking a post and was not sure I wanted to replace it with a poem from my queue so this helps. I’m completely exhausted at the moment and am at home nursing myself after a huge migraine yesterday. When my eyes have stopped spitting brimstone, i will work on this. Love ya x SB

    • Oh, No! I really feel for you, and I admire the fact, you’re on your computer when you’re feeling so bad. Put your feet up, shut your eyes and just chill for a while. Look after yourself sweets xx

      • Thanks. It’s queued for tomorrow. I added a skit from YouTube and graphics and stuff. If pingbacks are enabled on your blog, you should get one the moment it goes live. Be well. I’m glad to hear from you. x

  2. 1. I do have a large library and select books to read according to my mood, or by topic that currently interests me.
    2. If I lose interest in a book at the half way mark, I’ll probably put put the book aside, in the hope I may continue reading at a later date.
    3. I have not been involved with a Good Reads challenge.
    4. An ill-matched cover in a series may irritate, but it would be no big deal.
    5. I don’t share or bond, because my friends and family have never been bibliophiles.
    6. I have never experienced such a an embarrassment.
    7. I do tend to re-read when reading later sequels to catch up with events I may have forgotten.
    8. I don’t have a borrower problem.
    9. If I go through a reading slump and can’t find a book to capture my interest I’ll watch movies or
    do something physical, such as walking, swimming or gardening.
    10. I don’t buy many books due to budget constraints.
    11. A new book may sit on a shelf for indefinite periods, perhaps forever, without being read.

    • Like you, I love books, and I’d feel very deprived if it didn’t have access to them…even though, I own a Kindle, I still collect ‘print’ versions, and am frequently found loitering at libraries. 😀

      • I was also a loitering with intent inside libraries in the days before TV when there was nothing else but the steam radio. I owned a Kindle but it broke down.

      • Hi again Julie, I just wanted to say I’m so sorry I haven’t as yet posted my response to your Reading Habits blog hop. Time got away with me and I have recently signed off from my blog for a few weeks to complete my memoir and also for a family holiday. But once I return, I’ll get my post out as soon as possible and I very much look forward to it. Thanks again for tagging me and also for your patience and understanding! Have a wonderful September and see you soon 🙂

      • Sherri, I totally understand – life has a way of getting in our way – but I’ve been there, so go forth & have a fantastic holiday, and bring back loads of lovely pictures. I hope your September turns out exactly as you wish it too. Travel safe 🙂

      • Hi Julie! I wanted to drop by to touch base and say I haven’t forgotten about your post, but sorry I haven’t managed to get to it yet. I’ve been slow getting into the swing of things since returning to blogging earlier this month, a bit later than I had planned. But I will, very soon! Looking forward to it…and thanks again for your patience! I hope you are enjoying a glorious Autumn 🙂

      • Hi Sherri, believe me, I know how life can be, I’ve been chasing my tail for the last few weeks, trying to catch up with emails etc….so do not worry at all, and thank you for remembering….We’re in Spring at the moment , here in Perth, not that you’d know from the rain I can see out the window. I’d love to experience another UK autumn, though, watching the leaves fall. Take care, Julie x

      • Oh of course, spring for you! I have to remember that with my friends on the other side of the world 🙂 Thanks so much Julie, really appreciate your understanding. I hope you get caught up soon too…although it seems never ending doesn’t it? Have a lovely weekend and I’ll be in touch soon… 🙂 xx

  3. Pingback: Not Men on Books | Sabiscuit's Catalog

  4. Thank you so much for putting my blog forward for the challenge Julie, but one post a week is more than enough for me to handle. Anyway I have few books, dictionaries, birds & plants and The Book Of Knowledge The Keys Of Enoch by JJ Hurtak and that’s it ! 😀 ❤

  5. Pingback: A Trio of Cubs, A Telephone Box And The Love Of Reading | A View From My Summerhouse

  6. Hi Julie, at long last, here is my Reading Habit post…I’m so sorry it took me this long, thank you so much for your patience ❤ I hope you don't mind that I included it as part of another post, I am struggling to keep up with blogging while working on my memoir revisions, and this seems to be the best way forward for me these days. I'm just so glad to have finally been able to get to this though! And again, thank you so much for thinking of me. I hope you have a beautiful weekend 🙂 Hugs…Sherri xxx

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