Are we as Humans, being culled, due to our lack of humanity?

Have Spirit decided they’ve had enough of ‘Us’?

This is a subject I’ve been mulling over for quite a while, and this morning; after nearly being conned on social media by a ‘young lady’- a term I use loosely – with too much time on her hands & missing a moral code, I decided to put pen to paper.

When you look at the World today, we’re contending with; a man-made pandemic, a War caused by one man’s yearning to recycle an outdated empire (or his own, Tsardom).

We have Tsunamis and earthquakes, bushfires & floods. All because we can not control our need for bigger & better, in the name of technological advances.

Incredible creatures no longer exist, or are on the way to extinction, because in our arrogance we’re decimating their homes. That’s not forgetting the amazing animals being killed in the name of sport.

We’re destroying the very earth we walk on, but, on a day-to-day basis have we become oblivious to our part in this annihilation.

Instead of progressing with each step forward, we seem to be reverting to a more; aggressive, selfish, and unkind race – are we in our superiority & conceit, going to blast ourselves back to Neanderthal-like times? Where we’ll need to start all over again, because of the mistakes we’ve made, or….

Is, Spirit going to do it for us?

Whilst we’re allowed ‘do-overs’ in our personal life, if there’s no World to stand upon, no water to drink, no arable land to grow crops upon, no natural beauty or animals to admire – where will we be?

The way we treat each other. Our lack of respect & dignity. The abhorrent need to be the best – don’t we realize, there is only one human race?

I’ll hold my hand up, in the last few years I’ve become less trusting of my fellow humans, in fact, I never answer my mobile phone; because 80% of the time it’s a scammer or telemarketer calling – I, now believe, I’m on their ‘close-contacts’ list.

So, while it’s allegedly man-made, is Covid a wake-up call from Spirit? And I’m not meaning to be callous to people who have lost friends and family to this horrendous & relentless disease, because they have my compassion, but…

Are we coming close to our use-by date?

Is our lack of conscience concerning, littering, polluting, fracking, and stripping the world’s resources causing all the natural, & very tragic disasters in the world? Are Spirit saying…

Enough Is Enough!”

Are we now paying for our inhumanity?

But will we learn?

Will we change?


Are we too far gone?

Image by un-perfekt from Pixabay

18 Unusual Animals That Will Become Extinct Before You Die


This isn’t my usual type of post, but I wanted to share it because, as most of you know; I love all animals, it doesn’t matter whether they; walk, fly, crawl or swim…..they all deserve a place on this earth, just like us.

18 Unusual Animals That Will Become Extinct Before You Die.