Are we as Humans, being culled, due to our lack of humanity?

Have Spirit decided they’ve had enough of ‘Us’?

This is a subject I’ve been mulling over for quite a while, and this morning; after nearly being conned on social media by a ‘young lady’- a term I use loosely – with too much time on her hands & missing a moral code, I decided to put pen to paper.

When you look at the World today, we’re contending with; a man-made pandemic, a War caused by one man’s yearning to recycle an outdated empire (or his own, Tsardom).

We have Tsunamis and earthquakes, bushfires & floods. All because we can not control our need for bigger & better, in the name of technological advances.

Incredible creatures no longer exist, or are on the way to extinction, because in our arrogance we’re decimating their homes. That’s not forgetting the amazing animals being killed in the name of sport.

We’re destroying the very earth we walk on, but, on a day-to-day basis have we become oblivious to our part in this annihilation.

Instead of progressing with each step forward, we seem to be reverting to a more; aggressive, selfish, and unkind race – are we in our superiority & conceit, going to blast ourselves back to Neanderthal-like times? Where we’ll need to start all over again, because of the mistakes we’ve made, or….

Is, Spirit going to do it for us?

Whilst we’re allowed ‘do-overs’ in our personal life, if there’s no World to stand upon, no water to drink, no arable land to grow crops upon, no natural beauty or animals to admire – where will we be?

The way we treat each other. Our lack of respect & dignity. The abhorrent need to be the best – don’t we realize, there is only one human race?

I’ll hold my hand up, in the last few years I’ve become less trusting of my fellow humans, in fact, I never answer my mobile phone; because 80% of the time it’s a scammer or telemarketer calling – I, now believe, I’m on their ‘close-contacts’ list.

So, while it’s allegedly man-made, is Covid a wake-up call from Spirit? And I’m not meaning to be callous to people who have lost friends and family to this horrendous & relentless disease, because they have my compassion, but…

Are we coming close to our use-by date?

Is our lack of conscience concerning, littering, polluting, fracking, and stripping the world’s resources causing all the natural, & very tragic disasters in the world? Are Spirit saying…

Enough Is Enough!”

Are we now paying for our inhumanity?

But will we learn?

Will we change?


Are we too far gone?

Image by un-perfekt from Pixabay

The ‘Guys Upstairs’ Are Ready To; Get Back To Work.

Over the last couple of years, possibly longer, my life has been on a downward trajectory. If it could happen, it did! Everything, from; the passing of immediate family members, to a sudden house move, followed by financial problems & health issues – It’s been a fun time!

But, fortunately, I’m a great believer that; I will always survive!

And, as my life has been falling apart, more people have been directed to me, who require ‘something.’ Whether it be emotional or spiritual help, to neighbours who are confusing me with Kmart. Seriously, they ask me for everything from; batteries, to money, to sweets – It must be the aura I wear? Lol.

More recently, people who require help are sent my way, from the ‘Guys Upstairs’ – Just a little term-of-affection, I use for my Spiritual Team – and, it’s obvious; they’re more than ready to knuckle down.

So, while Covid is reigning supreme around us and altering people’s lives dramatically, my ‘upstairs guys’ have decided it’s time; I got back to doing what I’m best at – working with them.

They can have an amusing sense of the ironic, though – I decide I need transformation in my life, so they resolve it needs to be in their direction.

The irony is; it’s supposed to happen in the current Mercury Retrograde period, which is always a time of going backwards & re-doing something (especially if it’s communication-related)

Don’t get me wrong – Spirit doesn’t ‘decree’ or ‘order’ because it’s a 2-way-street, but; they throw opportunities or synchronicities, so, eventually, you get the message!


Irrespective of what is or isn’t happening in my life, and the need for masks, or lockdowns, or isolation-periods, it looks like I’m back in their game – but it’ll have to be digitally (via email) or by telephone, as the world’s situation is ever-changing.

It seems, though, ‘my guys’ want it to be; them & me (and clients, of course!), because I’ve attempted to commence work with an external psychic-line but, talk about one-sided bureaucratic palaver (I think Mercury Retro had some input there too).

“Work with Spirit. It’ll be fun,” they probably promised before I came down here, but; “While you’re there, you’ll have a lot of lessons to work through” – hmmm? I’ve got that message, real good!

My warning from them is, “we’ve given you some amazing abilities – Use. Them! Don’t. Waste. Them! Otherwise, Life can become a pain”.

And I’m tired now of fighting against it, and therefore, shortly, you’ll see a ‘Readings Now Available‘ page added to my site.

(So, there are no misunderstandings, I love Spirit & my abilities, and I enjoy helping people. It’s my raison d’etre, but I think I’ve been visited for a wee-while by the Tarot’s Tower card – although, my Tower must’ve had sturdy builders. Lol)

Moth (Australian Brown House) – As we all know, they search for The Light!

Am I at the bottom of the Wheel of Fortune? Or Are Spirit saying: Run-away. Very Fast.

Do you know you have those moments in life when ‘If it can go wrong, it will”?

Well, I hit one approximately 16 months ago.  In November 2019, to be exact, and it’s been a concurrent theme since then.

So I had to ask myself some hard questions.

Am I stuck at the bottom of the Wheel of Fortune? We’re all there occasionally.

Am I Jinxed? (Whether by accident or someone’s design).

Did I decide to work through a mega-dose of Karma in one shot, or…

Are Spirit telling me – Run! As far and as fast as you can. Find a new location. This one’s not working. Or, perhaps; they believe, I’m trying the ‘wrong’ thing, because…

There’s definitely; a message occurring here. Although, I wish it were just a bit more legible so that I could understand it.

You may think I’m exaggerating, but let me give you a rundown on my last 16 months. It started when; my much-loved baby sister passed-away suddenly and unexpectedly in November 2019 – The gorgeous girl is probably sat on her cloud, gin in one hand, having a good laugh at me.

Three months later, a large part of the ceiling in my rental property collapsed during a large storm. And, it only took ten weeks for it to get fixed. Hmmmmm! During that period, I had a continual throat issue, probably an allergic reaction, but it culminated with three visits to my local hospital. No diagnosis was ever forthcoming. Although, I did receive a negative Covid result.


Unfortunately, I got bitten by a White-tailed spider the same night a tarpaulin temporarily replaced the roof.

Lots of antibiotics and various creams later…

The throat infection visited my sinuses and gave me Iritis (inflammation of the iris), which the hospital wrongly diagnosed as acute conjunctivitis. Word of warning, if you’ve not had Iritis, you don’t want it.

A few months later, a Notice of Termination for my rental property followed, but that got withdrawn. Thanks to a moratorium extension. However – not happy with that. The owners took me to court; bear-in-mind I’m listed as a 5-star tenant.

I had to move the week before Christmas. Fortunately, I got a new rental, but it’s so much smaller, and most of my possessions are still in packing boxes, but – It’s a roof over my head, so I’m trying to be grateful.

Before the ‘unexpected’ house move, I’d enrolled in Open University, but naturally, this got affected, so it temporarily fell by the wayside. I did pick it up again, commencing three weeks ago, only for –

A lovely, unwelcome Respiratory virus to decide to pop-in, the same day. Believe me; it was a doozy. Dregs are still hanging around, and again my studies have been impacted, but – I do have another negative Covid test.

You’d think that would be the end, but no!

As I write this, I have two contractors re-grouting my shower & repairing a leaky roof, and it’s going to take a few days to complete. Try studying while that’s going on!

So, while; I’m all for believing; I made a promise that I’d work through Karma big-time in 2020 or even that; my particular Wheel of Fortune is having a little lie-down, my most over-riding thoughts are –

Run-away! Run-away! Run-away!

But, ‘Where‘ is the question? The world’s not as big as it used to be due to Covid, and I must count myself lucky because;

Things could have been worse!

Perhaps, I need to oil my ‘stuck’ Wheel of Fortune with a few more affirmations or ‘Power of Positive’ thoughts. Either way, I’ve told Loki (my dog) he’d better start packing.

I hope that your recent experiences have been better than mine, and remember – We ‘all’ do reach the top of the’ Wheel’ sometimes.

Don’t Settle!

Four weeks ago, I started a new daytime job, and whilst the people are very nice, and the salary always comes in handy, it’s not the position I applied for or the hours I wanted, yet – I accepted their offer when it was made, and for the moment, I’m remaining in the role, because……

Perhaps, it has something to teach me.

Although, within a week of commencing the position; I tore 3 ligaments in my left foot, an injury which is still hampering my life. This includes; no gym, and as it’s a sit-down role, I’m becoming stir crazy.  Aaaaagghhhh!!

Not, a full 2 weeks later, I contracted a horrendous cold, which I’m still suffering from, and unfortunately, my contracted hours do not allow for much else in my life, and I’ve temporarily given up many things I enjoy.

Not forgetting, the intensive training, which the role requires, ensuring I’m too tired when I get home, to even want; to pick up my laptop… you can imagine; my emails are taking on a life of their own.

(It also has, too many rules & regulations to suit me – I feel like I’ve lost my freedom).

As time’s been passing, I’ve come to the conclusion, that; I’m doing what’s expected, or; what’s considered socially acceptable, because it’s the right thing to do. And, in the process; my life is passing me by, whilst; I’m settling for something I don’t want.

Perhaps, this was the lesson, I needed to learn – My life, is exactly that; “My Life” and I shouldn’t; Settle!

So…….I’ve set my inner-self a time limit, and made a vow, and you’re all welcome to hold me to it.

By the end of September or, preferably; June; I will have moved on from this position, and not only found something better, but it’ll  also be more fitting for accomplishing my own life’s dream, and I’m hoping that those of you in similar situations, will do the same.

Find Your Dream, and Live It!

(PS: I haven’t forgotten you.  And, thank you to those, who haven’t forgotten me either).

Dont Settle


Success !!

Success Comes In Many Forms.
From the child taking its first step,
To an elderly person still agile,
Success welcomes us all.

Neither age nor gender nor race
can impede our chance to succeed
in reaching our dream,
or our chosen goal.

Success is not; the biggest house,
the fastest car, or
the nameplate on your door,
but it is a compassionate heart,
a smiling face,
and challenges overcome,

Success is not; money in the bank,
stamps on your passport, or
fancy gym memberships
But it is; a helping hand,
a forgiving nature
and a welcoming home.

Success is not; a famous face,
a fancy title or
the latest cellular phone,
But it is; the will to try again,
when all others; would’ve given up.

Success is not;
the belief that everything,
is one’s due reward
But it is; faith,
Commitment and persistence,
Together with an inner trust,
that all will be well.

So if you’re ready to walk away from your dream,
after one too many setbacks, remember….
Failure is only temporary.
Success is eternal and has no firm definition.

Good luck Heron
