The ‘Guys Upstairs’ Are Ready To; Get Back To Work.

Over the last couple of years, possibly longer, my life has been on a downward trajectory. If it could happen, it did! Everything, from; the passing of immediate family members, to a sudden house move, followed by financial problems & health issues – It’s been a fun time!

But, fortunately, I’m a great believer that; I will always survive!

And, as my life has been falling apart, more people have been directed to me, who require ‘something.’ Whether it be emotional or spiritual help, to neighbours who are confusing me with Kmart. Seriously, they ask me for everything from; batteries, to money, to sweets – It must be the aura I wear? Lol.

More recently, people who require help are sent my way, from the ‘Guys Upstairs’ – Just a little term-of-affection, I use for my Spiritual Team – and, it’s obvious; they’re more than ready to knuckle down.

So, while Covid is reigning supreme around us and altering people’s lives dramatically, my ‘upstairs guys’ have decided it’s time; I got back to doing what I’m best at – working with them.

They can have an amusing sense of the ironic, though – I decide I need transformation in my life, so they resolve it needs to be in their direction.

The irony is; it’s supposed to happen in the current Mercury Retrograde period, which is always a time of going backwards & re-doing something (especially if it’s communication-related)

Don’t get me wrong – Spirit doesn’t ‘decree’ or ‘order’ because it’s a 2-way-street, but; they throw opportunities or synchronicities, so, eventually, you get the message!


Irrespective of what is or isn’t happening in my life, and the need for masks, or lockdowns, or isolation-periods, it looks like I’m back in their game – but it’ll have to be digitally (via email) or by telephone, as the world’s situation is ever-changing.

It seems, though, ‘my guys’ want it to be; them & me (and clients, of course!), because I’ve attempted to commence work with an external psychic-line but, talk about one-sided bureaucratic palaver (I think Mercury Retro had some input there too).

“Work with Spirit. It’ll be fun,” they probably promised before I came down here, but; “While you’re there, you’ll have a lot of lessons to work through” – hmmm? I’ve got that message, real good!

My warning from them is, “we’ve given you some amazing abilities – Use. Them! Don’t. Waste. Them! Otherwise, Life can become a pain”.

And I’m tired now of fighting against it, and therefore, shortly, you’ll see a ‘Readings Now Available‘ page added to my site.

(So, there are no misunderstandings, I love Spirit & my abilities, and I enjoy helping people. It’s my raison d’etre, but I think I’ve been visited for a wee-while by the Tarot’s Tower card – although, my Tower must’ve had sturdy builders. Lol)

Moth (Australian Brown House) – As we all know, they search for The Light!

Sorry! & A Big Thank you!

I’ve written off 2017, due to……….everything, I guess!

After my mother’s passing, I went into a bit of a decline, I started an intimate relationship with chocolate & stopped going to the gym, hardly slept, watched a lot of junk telly, so……I can’t wait to say “Goodbye 2017”.

In the meantime, I just wanted to say to you all “I apologize for my lack of commitment, & I thank you from the bottom-of-my-heart for all those who hung in there with me.

See you in 2018.

Enjoy the holidays!

Julie xx


Sorry !

Thank you!

If you think; you can or you can’t, then you’re right!

Reality TV really isn’t my thing, but whilst watching an Australian cooking show, I was reminded by one of the contestants about how powerful one 3 letter word can be.

That word is; ‘Can’.

And, I’m not talking about something you find tinned produce in. I’m talking about, our ability to believe we can do anything. As children we have this belief that anything is possible, that there are no limits, but unfortunately we grow up, and life gets in the way. We worry about; paying the bills, about being responsible, in fact; you name it we probably worry about it, and we lose the ‘magic’ in life. Our dreams are pushed aside and sometimes forgotten…… sad is that?

As adults, we need to re-claim our right to be visionary, or creative. To have hopes, and goals that may seem impossible. Another limiting word, but if we just replace it with the words probable, feasible, or even plausible, it gives us optimism that maybe there is another way.

A top-five Australian bank recently ran an advertising campaign and it was probably the most thought provoking I’ve ever seen. The actress, Toni Colette sat quietly, and reflectively, reciting a poem. It was called; ‘The Ode to Can’ and was very quickly created, in fact within hours, by a man called; Andy Flemming, the creative director at M&C Saatchi. It’s a very inspirational piece, and reminds us not to give up. If you’ve not seen the advertisement, or heard of the poem, you can find it at the following link, its well worth a read, especially if you’ve lost your belief.

I want you to take five minutes out of your day, and look at the goals that have fallen by the wayside. Were there legitimate reasons that you let them die, or was it just that; either you, or someone else told you, that ‘you can’t’.

Ask yourself, are any of the forgotten dreams possible now? I’ve recently picked up one of mine that I thought had no chance of fruition, so what’s to stop you doing the same?

Follow that Rainbow

Pre-ordination Or Free Will?

Because of my spiritual beliefs I can truly say that; I believe we choose our life path before we incarnate here on earth but in saying that, may I ask……

What was I Thinking?

Obviously, not the brightest bulb in the box.

My path at times has been very interesting, and at others stiflingly boring which is why I consider myself a change advocate, and why this blog will be very eclectic, and cover numerous areas that I have some, or a lot of knowledge in, preferably the latter I’m sure you’re thinking.

I’ve walked some very orthodox trails, after all what can be more commonplace than working in an office, in the financial industry?

Although, there have also been some exceedingly unorthodox stints.  I mean did you want to be a psychic when you grew up, I know I sure didn’t plan on it, so it must have been predetermined right?

I can already hear the clamour of voices asking; “I thought we were supposed to have free will’.

Well the answer is……. Yes and No!

There are specific events in our life that are already planned out for us, otherwise how would we grow spiritually.  Imagine, if we just popped down here, did whatever we wanted, no questions asked, and then went back upstairs…….you’ll find that I tend to use the term ‘upstairs’ as a euphemism for the spiritual realm, and I tend to call spirit; the guys upstairs. They don’t mind, so why should anyone else.

My Path - Glastonbury, to The Tor

My Path – Glastonbury, to The Tor

Anyway, I digress…..

Major lessons are already planned out, and before being born, you have a little sit down, and decide what you’d like to learn this time around.  You consider family groups, nationality, gender, talents, intellectual capabilities etc…There is a train of spiritual thought, whereby it’s believed that we choose any tragic illnesses that may occur in our lives…….my jury, is still out on that one.

Just because I have certain beliefs and a few extra abilities, doesn’t mean that I don’t question everything.  It comes from having a very logical mind with a pinch of lateral thinking thrown in.

Now, as to free will; once you’re down here, on your journey, there you are strolling along, minding your own business, when little off-shoots pop up, and it’s your choice whether or not to take those paths.

Using me as an example, being born in England to my particular family was fated, but travelling back and forth to Australia was/is free will……during my life, I’ve lived on both hemispheres, and bounced between as if on elastic.

London on the Thames

London on the Thames

Being a Clairvoyant Medium, instead of a tarot reader? Pre-ordained!

Preferring Motown and Northern Soul to Heavy Metal, is my free will at work.

With regards to accidents, they are just that…….an event that has happened whilst you’re on a particular path.  I am not saying that you, as a soul, cannot have planned an accident, but you must have chosen that particular lesson. Why? Only your soul knows, and sorry, but you don’t get the answers until you go back upstairs. If you are especially intuitive, or you visit an adept reader, then you may get some of them, but not all…..what would be the point!

If the answers are given to you, not only would you miss any lessons intended during the search, but where would the challenge be?

I hope I’ve clarified the issue slightly, if not feel free to comment and sometime over the next few days ask yourself what you believe you lesson(s) might be. Yes, there can be more than one, at different times during this incarnation, and if not learnt on the first try, then they can ambush us again later in life.  You picked them remember, so it’s worth giving them a good shot on the first go.

And as a final thought, do not ever be surprised by what I may write about, as it could range from the paranormal to vegetarianism (yep, I’m one of those).  I may even express my opinion regarding living in Perth as opposed to London, or I could divulge details about my new foray into freelance writing.  There’s also the chance I could throw a favourite little question at you, like the following…..

Are you more afraid of your life staying the same, or are you more frightened of what change can bring?