Am I at the bottom of the Wheel of Fortune? Or Are Spirit saying: Run-away. Very Fast.

Do you know you have those moments in life when ‘If it can go wrong, it will”?

Well, I hit one approximately 16 months ago.  In November 2019, to be exact, and it’s been a concurrent theme since then.

So I had to ask myself some hard questions.

Am I stuck at the bottom of the Wheel of Fortune? We’re all there occasionally.

Am I Jinxed? (Whether by accident or someone’s design).

Did I decide to work through a mega-dose of Karma in one shot, or…

Are Spirit telling me – Run! As far and as fast as you can. Find a new location. This one’s not working. Or, perhaps; they believe, I’m trying the ‘wrong’ thing, because…

There’s definitely; a message occurring here. Although, I wish it were just a bit more legible so that I could understand it.

You may think I’m exaggerating, but let me give you a rundown on my last 16 months. It started when; my much-loved baby sister passed-away suddenly and unexpectedly in November 2019 – The gorgeous girl is probably sat on her cloud, gin in one hand, having a good laugh at me.

Three months later, a large part of the ceiling in my rental property collapsed during a large storm. And, it only took ten weeks for it to get fixed. Hmmmmm! During that period, I had a continual throat issue, probably an allergic reaction, but it culminated with three visits to my local hospital. No diagnosis was ever forthcoming. Although, I did receive a negative Covid result.


Unfortunately, I got bitten by a White-tailed spider the same night a tarpaulin temporarily replaced the roof.

Lots of antibiotics and various creams later…

The throat infection visited my sinuses and gave me Iritis (inflammation of the iris), which the hospital wrongly diagnosed as acute conjunctivitis. Word of warning, if you’ve not had Iritis, you don’t want it.

A few months later, a Notice of Termination for my rental property followed, but that got withdrawn. Thanks to a moratorium extension. However – not happy with that. The owners took me to court; bear-in-mind I’m listed as a 5-star tenant.

I had to move the week before Christmas. Fortunately, I got a new rental, but it’s so much smaller, and most of my possessions are still in packing boxes, but – It’s a roof over my head, so I’m trying to be grateful.

Before the ‘unexpected’ house move, I’d enrolled in Open University, but naturally, this got affected, so it temporarily fell by the wayside. I did pick it up again, commencing three weeks ago, only for –

A lovely, unwelcome Respiratory virus to decide to pop-in, the same day. Believe me; it was a doozy. Dregs are still hanging around, and again my studies have been impacted, but – I do have another negative Covid test.

You’d think that would be the end, but no!

As I write this, I have two contractors re-grouting my shower & repairing a leaky roof, and it’s going to take a few days to complete. Try studying while that’s going on!

So, while; I’m all for believing; I made a promise that I’d work through Karma big-time in 2020 or even that; my particular Wheel of Fortune is having a little lie-down, my most over-riding thoughts are –

Run-away! Run-away! Run-away!

But, ‘Where‘ is the question? The world’s not as big as it used to be due to Covid, and I must count myself lucky because;

Things could have been worse!

Perhaps, I need to oil my ‘stuck’ Wheel of Fortune with a few more affirmations or ‘Power of Positive’ thoughts. Either way, I’ve told Loki (my dog) he’d better start packing.

I hope that your recent experiences have been better than mine, and remember – We ‘all’ do reach the top of the’ Wheel’ sometimes.

Have You Found Your “Calling”?

As some of you may know I live very close to a lake, which has incredible grounds, where you’ll frequently find dog walkers, picnickers, and joggers. In fact, I spend a lot of time there myself, and was about to walk around the lake when; I had a ‘moment’ by that I mean, someone made a very thought-provoking comment to me.

I was crossing the road outside my home, shortly after feeding my little magpie family, when all of a sudden a huge black Labrador – on a leash – came charging at me, with its’ poor human (a very nice lady) being dragged along in his wake.

When, this creature reached me, he literally tried to crawl up my body and planted his front paws on my shoulders, a huge tongue lolling in front of my face.

His owner, whilst trying to apologise, advised, “He never does that to anyone. I’ve never seen him do it before”. Naturally, I explained that I have an affinity for all animals and that one of my brother-in-laws has even nicknamed me; The Dog Whisperer.

Her reply; “Perhaps, that’s your calling, and it looks like you’re also a bird-whisperer too”.
And, it made me step back and think; is that what I’m here for? I’ve worked with my spiritual abilities, and enjoy writing, but I also crave; something else. Is this it?

Do you know what ‘Your Calling’ is, or, have you already found it?

Calling 1

Calling 2

Calling 3

Calling 4

Calling 5


The Akashic Records. Everything that was, that is, and will be.

Talk to an Egyptologist, or a historian who studies ancient civilisations, and they’ll be able to wax lyrical about the Royal Library of Alexandria. Talk to a true spiritualist, especially one from the old school, and you’ll discover they’ll happily chat about the Akashic Records. And, whilst; our perceived view of the Akashic records, can be individual to each person, it is generally seen as a collection of books; that holds the annals of our lives. It stores every event, every action, every thought, every judgement dispensed, including our behaviours, good & bad. Our karmic retribution – if that’s the right word – can also be found there.

There is not a moment of our lives, past, present or, future, that is not already written in these momentous writings. In short, it’s……..US!

Many, many moons ago (too many to count), when I was still a novice, I was lucky enough be guided by several trance mediums, either as a long-term student, or as an invited guest, and during these events, I experienced the channelling of some great spiritual teachers, who frequently discussed their visits to the ‘Records’ and…….during meditation, I, myself, have entered this unbelievable; library of life.

I remember being stood in; what looked like; an immense room that seemed to stretch to eternity, and back. There were stacks – as in library stacks – of ancient leather-bound books. If I looked upwards, I could not see the top shelf, just numerous, rows of books, they had that old paper smell, full of dust, and tanned hide. Their bindings were etched in Cyrillic-like script, don’t ask me how I knew it was Cyrillic, I just did, even though I couldn’t translate it.

I hadn’t entered the hall through a door, I’d just arrived at a certain spot, and as I touched a book, shelved at eye-level, to my left, the script; wavered & shimmered and my own name appeared, but I dithered about removing it from its place. Did I really want to know what’s ahead of me?

Surely, part of our learning path is the adventures, and challenges we face?

Would reading my ‘own’ life story, affect events, and would I be over-stepping, to want more answers?

Just because, I have inherent abilities, gifted from Spirit; does it allow me more rights than anyone else?

Did I peek? Heck, Yes!

Does it make me any wiser? Uh, no!

It just left me more confused, straddling a tightrope between two worlds, with one foot in the spiritual realm, the other on earth. Eternally judging myself, and my behaviour; knowing I’m Spirit walking the world, as opposed to a human; experiencing life.

So, whilst the answers are all out there, maybe we’re not really supposed to know them?

If you want to learn more about The Akashic Records, check out the following site.


Spring Equinox, New Moon, March 20, 2015

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

Spring Equinox copia

March is an extremely busy month astrologically.  It is the spring equinox, a new moon, and an eclipse all on March 20, 2015. It occurs when the tilt of the Earth’s axis is inclined neither away from nor toward the Sun, and, astrologically, when the Sun reaches 0° Aries. Its name is derived from Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night), as night and day are about equal length at this Spring midpoint. Other names for the Spring Equinox are Alban Eilir, Gwyl Canol Gwenwynol, Lady Day, Meán Earrach, and Ostara.

The moon turns new only 14 hours after reaching lunar perigee – moon’s closest point to Earth in its orbit. Thus this moon is a supermoon – at the new phase – not visible in our sky, but having a larger-than-average effect on Earth’s oceans. Plus this new supermoon swings right in front of the equinox sun on March 20…

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Pre-ordination Or Free Will?

Because of my spiritual beliefs I can truly say that; I believe we choose our life path before we incarnate here on earth but in saying that, may I ask……

What was I Thinking?

Obviously, not the brightest bulb in the box.

My path at times has been very interesting, and at others stiflingly boring which is why I consider myself a change advocate, and why this blog will be very eclectic, and cover numerous areas that I have some, or a lot of knowledge in, preferably the latter I’m sure you’re thinking.

I’ve walked some very orthodox trails, after all what can be more commonplace than working in an office, in the financial industry?

Although, there have also been some exceedingly unorthodox stints.  I mean did you want to be a psychic when you grew up, I know I sure didn’t plan on it, so it must have been predetermined right?

I can already hear the clamour of voices asking; “I thought we were supposed to have free will’.

Well the answer is……. Yes and No!

There are specific events in our life that are already planned out for us, otherwise how would we grow spiritually.  Imagine, if we just popped down here, did whatever we wanted, no questions asked, and then went back upstairs…….you’ll find that I tend to use the term ‘upstairs’ as a euphemism for the spiritual realm, and I tend to call spirit; the guys upstairs. They don’t mind, so why should anyone else.

My Path - Glastonbury, to The Tor

My Path – Glastonbury, to The Tor

Anyway, I digress…..

Major lessons are already planned out, and before being born, you have a little sit down, and decide what you’d like to learn this time around.  You consider family groups, nationality, gender, talents, intellectual capabilities etc…There is a train of spiritual thought, whereby it’s believed that we choose any tragic illnesses that may occur in our lives…….my jury, is still out on that one.

Just because I have certain beliefs and a few extra abilities, doesn’t mean that I don’t question everything.  It comes from having a very logical mind with a pinch of lateral thinking thrown in.

Now, as to free will; once you’re down here, on your journey, there you are strolling along, minding your own business, when little off-shoots pop up, and it’s your choice whether or not to take those paths.

Using me as an example, being born in England to my particular family was fated, but travelling back and forth to Australia was/is free will……during my life, I’ve lived on both hemispheres, and bounced between as if on elastic.

London on the Thames

London on the Thames

Being a Clairvoyant Medium, instead of a tarot reader? Pre-ordained!

Preferring Motown and Northern Soul to Heavy Metal, is my free will at work.

With regards to accidents, they are just that…….an event that has happened whilst you’re on a particular path.  I am not saying that you, as a soul, cannot have planned an accident, but you must have chosen that particular lesson. Why? Only your soul knows, and sorry, but you don’t get the answers until you go back upstairs. If you are especially intuitive, or you visit an adept reader, then you may get some of them, but not all…..what would be the point!

If the answers are given to you, not only would you miss any lessons intended during the search, but where would the challenge be?

I hope I’ve clarified the issue slightly, if not feel free to comment and sometime over the next few days ask yourself what you believe you lesson(s) might be. Yes, there can be more than one, at different times during this incarnation, and if not learnt on the first try, then they can ambush us again later in life.  You picked them remember, so it’s worth giving them a good shot on the first go.

And as a final thought, do not ever be surprised by what I may write about, as it could range from the paranormal to vegetarianism (yep, I’m one of those).  I may even express my opinion regarding living in Perth as opposed to London, or I could divulge details about my new foray into freelance writing.  There’s also the chance I could throw a favourite little question at you, like the following…..

Are you more afraid of your life staying the same, or are you more frightened of what change can bring?