We Don’t Always, Know, The Things We Know

I recently joined an online mediumship mentoring group, not as a mentor, just like a normal, average, everyday person, and it’s made me realise that…

We don’t always know, the things we know!

During the few days that I’ve been involved with the group, I’ve commented on 3 posts, & I’ve noticed it’s been the more unusual posts, and I’ve been using knowledge, I gained and probably mentally filed away, 30 years ago.

I found this quite surprising because the information, to me, has always been inside my head, & yet one of the topics – Apports – has coincidentally been mentioned by me, twice in the last couple of days

For those, who aren’t aware; an Apport, is an object that appears in our life, almost by supernatural means. It will seem to come from nowhere, & in the most unexpected place. It’s generally believed an Apport manifests during or after a séance, but that’s not technically correct – an Apport, will arrive whenever Spirit wishes it to, & it will normally have some significance to either the receiver or sender or can appear if we’ve beseeched Spirit for help of some kind.

I’ve digressed slightly, because, while I know of such a spiritual event, it’s not something I’ve had the call to talk about; for years, and yet; suddenly; it’s been there; Twice!

And while our minds are incredibly complex and have a storage system beyond compare, there are also believed to be, external facilities we have access to. 

Some refer to the Akashic Records – a library, of the Universe in its entirety, including, the past, present & future. It contains, events, emotions, thoughts, ideas & our intent. And it can be accessed when needed.

Others refer to Cosmic Consciousness – We’re all part of The Whole, & everything interconnects, leading to Spiritual Enlightenment. Meaning we just tap in, when necessary.

I like the idea of Pantheism myself – the idea, that God & The Universe are one, not individual from each other. (Sorry, but I can never quite buy into the; little white-haired old man). Pantheists also believe; ‘All things’ interconnect, & that one religion wouldn’t exist without another religion. So, is that where our learning comes from? The interconnectedness?

There’s also the idea; Spirit, supply us with the knowledge we require when it’s needed. Almost, as if; they sit there with a little book & feed the information in – an analogy I use when trying to explain how my mediumships works is; it’s like a ‘Shop’s Open’ light goes on above my head in Spirit, & they know it’s time for us both to work – is this what happens, when we need data?

Some people, even randomly believe, information is dispensed to us, by extra-terrestrial beings, because they’ve had eons of learning and are more technologically advanced than us. Is it true, who knows?

So, do we really; Know the Things We Know?


Maybe, we subconsciously plug ourselves into an immense database bursting with knowledge? 


Perhaps, the information is being fed to us, by external forces? Whomever they may be.

Next time knowledge suddenly arrives in your head, or on the tip of your tongue, take a moment to wonder… Is it something, you already knew? Or did it appear, as if by magic?

I, myself, am never too sure.

Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay 

The ‘Guys Upstairs’ Are Ready To; Get Back To Work.

Over the last couple of years, possibly longer, my life has been on a downward trajectory. If it could happen, it did! Everything, from; the passing of immediate family members, to a sudden house move, followed by financial problems & health issues – It’s been a fun time!

But, fortunately, I’m a great believer that; I will always survive!

And, as my life has been falling apart, more people have been directed to me, who require ‘something.’ Whether it be emotional or spiritual help, to neighbours who are confusing me with Kmart. Seriously, they ask me for everything from; batteries, to money, to sweets – It must be the aura I wear? Lol.

More recently, people who require help are sent my way, from the ‘Guys Upstairs’ – Just a little term-of-affection, I use for my Spiritual Team – and, it’s obvious; they’re more than ready to knuckle down.

So, while Covid is reigning supreme around us and altering people’s lives dramatically, my ‘upstairs guys’ have decided it’s time; I got back to doing what I’m best at – working with them.

They can have an amusing sense of the ironic, though – I decide I need transformation in my life, so they resolve it needs to be in their direction.

The irony is; it’s supposed to happen in the current Mercury Retrograde period, which is always a time of going backwards & re-doing something (especially if it’s communication-related)

Don’t get me wrong – Spirit doesn’t ‘decree’ or ‘order’ because it’s a 2-way-street, but; they throw opportunities or synchronicities, so, eventually, you get the message!


Irrespective of what is or isn’t happening in my life, and the need for masks, or lockdowns, or isolation-periods, it looks like I’m back in their game – but it’ll have to be digitally (via email) or by telephone, as the world’s situation is ever-changing.

It seems, though, ‘my guys’ want it to be; them & me (and clients, of course!), because I’ve attempted to commence work with an external psychic-line but, talk about one-sided bureaucratic palaver (I think Mercury Retro had some input there too).

“Work with Spirit. It’ll be fun,” they probably promised before I came down here, but; “While you’re there, you’ll have a lot of lessons to work through” – hmmm? I’ve got that message, real good!

My warning from them is, “we’ve given you some amazing abilities – Use. Them! Don’t. Waste. Them! Otherwise, Life can become a pain”.

And I’m tired now of fighting against it, and therefore, shortly, you’ll see a ‘Readings Now Available‘ page added to my site.

(So, there are no misunderstandings, I love Spirit & my abilities, and I enjoy helping people. It’s my raison d’etre, but I think I’ve been visited for a wee-while by the Tarot’s Tower card – although, my Tower must’ve had sturdy builders. Lol)

Moth (Australian Brown House) – As we all know, they search for The Light!

And The Vicar Said: “You’re All Orphans, Now”.

Losing a parent is very hard! This I found out in 2009 when my much-loved Father passed away.

Based in the UK at the time, this distressing event was the motivator that caused me to return to Perth, & make it my home – I didn’t want to be 12,000 miles away in case something happened to my Mother.

Fortunately, she always took care of herself, and exercised regularly, and bounced back from any illness, but…..my location, & her resilience, really had nothing to do with life’s plan, because; heartbreakingly……my Mother passed away at the end of February after a short & unexpected stay in hospital.

Because we (I have 5 siblings) were so unprepared for Mum to make this journey, it’s struck us all in different ways, for myself – my life has seemed to stop – it’s like, I’m in limbo, and yet; I have an innate belief that life goes on in Spirit, but this doesn’t stop me; missing her greatly, and it’s brought with it, a sense of aloneness, that I ‘never’ normally feel.

It’s also highlighted my father’s passing and, the fact that; as the vicar said: “We’re all orphans now”.

I know, I’m not the only person to have lost both their parents, in truth, I consider myself lucky to have had them, as long as I did, but it doesn’t stop the pain or the sense of unfairness. Yet though all this, I’m aware; they’ve only stepped through another door, and continue to watch over me, and the rest of their ‘quite large’ & well-loved family.

Over the last few months, there have been times that Mum has made her presence known. She’s told me she loves me, held my hand whilst I was walking to the local shops (we always used to shop together), and once, she even made her displeasure quite obvious, when I got a non-too-gentle clip around the back of my head.

It’s starting to get cold in Perth now, & late one evening, I turned on the gas heater – I’m not a fan of gas, so very rarely use it – but, I did one night, and the heat, & exhaustion gradually made me nod off. Only to be woken quite abruptly by Mum’s little love-tap. She probably found it quite funny, but then; so did I, after a moment of chagrin.

As time has passed, I’ve remembered everything my parents ever did for me, and I’m very grateful, that I came to earth with my spiritual abilities, because not only, do I know ‘I will see them again!’ but it’s also added a degree of comfort to my family.

So with sadness, comes joy. With grief, comes remembrance, and with faith, comes trust, that; our family & friends never leave us. They walk by our side, and watch, listen, laugh, cry, & most of all; love with us, until it’s our turn to take the next step, in life’s great adventure.


My Parents, in their early twenties – approx 1957.

Don’t Settle!

Four weeks ago, I started a new daytime job, and whilst the people are very nice, and the salary always comes in handy, it’s not the position I applied for or the hours I wanted, yet – I accepted their offer when it was made, and for the moment, I’m remaining in the role, because……

Perhaps, it has something to teach me.

Although, within a week of commencing the position; I tore 3 ligaments in my left foot, an injury which is still hampering my life. This includes; no gym, and as it’s a sit-down role, I’m becoming stir crazy.  Aaaaagghhhh!!

Not, a full 2 weeks later, I contracted a horrendous cold, which I’m still suffering from, and unfortunately, my contracted hours do not allow for much else in my life, and I’ve temporarily given up many things I enjoy.

Not forgetting, the intensive training, which the role requires, ensuring I’m too tired when I get home, to even want; to pick up my laptop…..as you can imagine; my emails are taking on a life of their own.

(It also has, too many rules & regulations to suit me – I feel like I’ve lost my freedom).

As time’s been passing, I’ve come to the conclusion, that; I’m doing what’s expected, or; what’s considered socially acceptable, because it’s the right thing to do. And, in the process; my life is passing me by, whilst; I’m settling for something I don’t want.

Perhaps, this was the lesson, I needed to learn – My life, is exactly that; “My Life” and I shouldn’t; Settle!

So…….I’ve set my inner-self a time limit, and made a vow, and you’re all welcome to hold me to it.

By the end of September or, preferably; June; I will have moved on from this position, and not only found something better, but it’ll  also be more fitting for accomplishing my own life’s dream, and I’m hoping that those of you in similar situations, will do the same.

Find Your Dream, and Live It!

(PS: I haven’t forgotten you.  And, thank you to those, who haven’t forgotten me either).

Dont Settle


We’re Allowed Do-Overs.

For the last couple of years, my life has literally been in limbo, or in a state of stasis, not only due to on-going parental health issues but also because of hold-ups with my regular day-to-day working situation.

To explain more, for ‘several’ months I’ve been going through a recruitment assessment process with the Australian public service, which recently completed -successfully I might add, – only; for a further delay to be instigated, meaning – I’ve not moved any further forward.

These events together with other delaying situations have made me step back and question my life, and it’s mitigating factors. Not only those caused by external forces, but also any steps I’ve; either taken, or not taken, and how they’ve impacted my growth.

Several questions arose.  Some of which you may like to ask yourself?

  • Am I where I expected to be, at this time of life?
  • Am I as financially, emotionally & spiritually successful as I would like?
  • Have I allowed outside forces (including individuals) to have power over my life? This includes their viewpoint, or should I say opinion.
  • Do I find it easy to be derailed from my path, or life-goals?
  • Have I contributed to my own seeming lack of motivation?
  • Have I allowed my own inner laziness to take hold? (I’ll admit, I can be lazy, but can’t we all at times?)
  • Do I regularly make excuses for the lack of progress in my life? Or….
  • Do I subconsciously – perhaps deliberately – look for reasons and excuses, not to progress?
  • Why do I allow distractions and interruptions to take precedence?
  • Have I become too comfortable with my life?
  • Where did my inner risk-taker go?
  • Am I frightened of; what achieving my dreams may mean?
  • Does the thought of being; successful and happy intimidate me?
  • And my own personal; favourite – Am I; my own worst enemy?

 As you can imagine, some of my answers brought up issues I’d rather not face, but rather than feel guilty, I’ve just decided, and it’s something I’m going to tell you all…..

It’s Never Too Late, To Start Over.

The good thing about life is; we’re allowed ‘do-overs’. There is no right or wrong way to live your life because it’s exactly that…..Your Life!

‘You’ set the rules!

Bear in mind, I don’t mean “Go out & rob a bank”. Naturally, there are strictures to abide by in society. Can you imagine telling the Judge “Julie, said there are no rules”. I don’t think that’ll work somehow, but I do mean…….

Within the parameters of your ‘own’ life; there really is no set-in-stone guidebook you have to follow. We just make it up as we go along, so…

Live Your Life Your Way, And……Don’t Apologise For It.

It’s Your Life, And ‘You’ Make The Rules.So Live Your Life




Success !!

Success Comes In Many Forms.
From the child taking its first step,
To an elderly person still agile,
Success welcomes us all.

Neither age nor gender nor race
can impede our chance to succeed
in reaching our dream,
or our chosen goal.

Success is not; the biggest house,
the fastest car, or
the nameplate on your door,
but it is a compassionate heart,
a smiling face,
and challenges overcome,

Success is not; money in the bank,
stamps on your passport, or
fancy gym memberships
But it is; a helping hand,
a forgiving nature
and a welcoming home.

Success is not; a famous face,
a fancy title or
the latest cellular phone,
But it is; the will to try again,
when all others; would’ve given up.

Success is not;
the belief that everything,
is one’s due reward
But it is; faith,
Commitment and persistence,
Together with an inner trust,
that all will be well.

So if you’re ready to walk away from your dream,
after one too many setbacks, remember….
Failure is only temporary.
Success is eternal and has no firm definition.

Good luck Heron
