You Can Find Love and Support in the Strangest Places

As you get older, you expect life to become more settled, or even structured; but that’s not what happened to me. In fact, I feel as if I’ve been riding a roller coaster for the last decade or so.

I’ve lost my father, my mother, and then, so very unexpectedly……my baby sister, who was not only my friend but also my confidant. She was my greatest supporter & always believed in what I did.

She was too young, too vibrant, and too full of love & life, but 11 months ago, Spirit decided they wanted her back. And, whilst I know I’ll see her again, I can’t believe she got taken, but the funny thing is, 3 weeks after she passed, she gave me a gift.

Two very spiritual women appeared in my life, totally by chance, and they seemed to adopt me as a sister. Moreover, it’s like we’ve become a coven of 3 like-minded souls.

It’s the kind of friendship, where we don’t live in each other’s pockets, but we do see each other when our lives allow. And, when help or support is needed, it’s supplied in abundance.

We think alike, with compassion for all creatures.

We walk the same path – the path of Spirit – just in different formats.

We laugh together and have even cried together.

I’ve told these women things I’ve not told anyone else.

It’s hard to believe I’ve known them for less than a year. It’s like they’ve always been in my life. So, perhaps……

We’re 3 old souls, or sister witches, coming together again across the years.  Women who’ve been reunited by my family’s tragedy.

As much as I miss my baby sister, I can’t help but thank her for the final gift she gave me. Someone, or actually; 2 someone’s to take her place and give me the love and support she always did and continues to do from Spirit.

I hope you’re as lucky as I am!


It’s funny, but when I started this post, it was supposed to be about my little dog (Loki) but when I put my fingers to the keyboard they went off on a journey of their own, so, I had something that needed saying, but just to end on a happy note, here’s a picture of ‘My Terror’. Perhaps the next post should be his……he’s a real experience, believe me!

Loki aka Ratbag

A Challenge: One-Dollar-a-Week May save An Animal’s Life.

Over the last few months, whilst trawling Facebook, much to my dismay, and abject horror, I’ve noticed a sharp incline in reported cases of animal abuse. This made me question “are we as humans, becoming increasingly cruel, and losing our sense of compassion for other creatures, including our own class of bipeds?”


Some stories are so appalling, I veer between, sadness and grief, to anger, and hopes for instant karmic retribution, but recently; I saw another perspective……

For all the instances reported – other than, extremely dire, or cultural situations – someone took a stand.  Perhaps, a passing Good Samaritan found an injured animal and took it to a refuge, a vet or a wildlife centre.  Or, maybe a member of the emergency services rescued a stranded pet, or farm animal, during a fire, flood, or earthquake.


There are numerous refuge centres throughout the world, that give freely of their time, volunteering at all hours, and conservation workers in inhospitable places, put themselves at risk to ensure some species are preserved – These kind-hearted souls, are already aware; there are far too many animals on the endangered list as it is. Approximately 41,415 species, at last, count.

Various trusts and charities have been set up, to ensure, we; the supposedly ‘more intelligent’ species, donate our money if not our time, to help our earth remain; a beautiful world, flourishing with a true menagerie of wonderful creatures. Filling the skies above our head, the oceans and rivers we admire. They reside in rainforests and jungles, even in our gardens, and some, below our floorboards.


Animals feed us, clothe us, work for us, trust and follow us blindly, but most of all; they love us……….and, can we honestly say; we deserve their adoration and assistance?  Or; is it a case of; in our arrogance, We Expect It!

All this introspection, brought me to another thought……if each one on my friends or followers on social media, started to put aside; just one dollar a week, whether it be in an old coffee tin, a jar, or, even a special money box, at the end of 2016, the total amount would be $77,844 after 6 months $38,922 and at the end of a quarter $19,461. 


So am I…..although, in actuality; it would only cost each individual $52 annually.


My challenge to you is; start you own $1 a-week, charity jar, and, whilst; ‘animals are my thing’ perhaps you’d prefer to donate your money to a cancer-related or childhood charity the choice is yours.  I currently, donate monthly to the RSL, but whomever you choose; they’d appreciate the gift, whether it’ $13 a-quarter, $26 twice-yearly, or $52 annually.

I don’t know about you, but $1 wouldn’t even buy me a full-priced chocolate bar, but cumulatively, ‘all’ our dollars, might save a beautiful creatures life.

Below are some wonderful charities that would love your donations or perhaps you have your own personal favourite.

Make 2016, the year you give something back.

P.S: It’d be tax-deductible.



Remember The People That Matter.

I’ve not been able to post for the last few days, and I’ve only got time for a quickie now – so to speak – as I’ve been spending a lot time, sat in the waiting room, of Perth’s primary public hospital, in fact; that’s where I’m typing this.

There I was; lying comfortably, in the land-of-nod, at 7.15am on Sunday morning, when I heard a feeble voice call out my name, believing it to be a dream; I ignored it. Only to hear “Julie Julie” being called out again.

Rushing up the hallway, I discover my mother in extreme pain clutching her lower leg and to cut a long story short, after an ambulance ride which my 9-year-old niece envies – she told me, she wants to ride shotgun next time – my siblings and I spent the day waiting; whilst my mother had 2 blood clots removed from her right leg… quite large, from what I can understand.

Five days later, my mother’s doctors are still trying to discover where the clots originated, and why they formed, which is why, she’s currently undergoing an endoscopic-like procedure, whereby they insert a probe to look at the heart. And, as my siblings are predominantly nine-to-fivers, I’m sat here alone, trying to keep busy, whilst the hospital bustles around me.

This wasn’t mum’s original choice of hospital, she wanted to go private, but the paramedics; take patients to whichever is closest, which Royal Perth Hospital was, and I must say; they’ve been brilliant. The nurses are cheerful, and helpful, the doctors; willing to explain what’s happening, the physiotherapists push when necessary, and as it’s the home of; West Australia’s major ‘adult’ trauma centre, emergency helicopters land, literally, just outside my mother’s window. I’ve witnessed them land, about 4 times, over the last few days, not at night unfortunately, but that did happened last evening, from what I can understand.

Where I’m leading with all this, is……..remember to thank the people; that do the jobs, you may not want to, for very little recompense, at all hours of the day or night, because you may need them one day. And, no matter how busy you become, don’t forget to spend time with your parents. Fortunately, I still have my mother, but sadly, I lost my father 6 years ago, and there’s still a lot I would love to say to him, or do with him, but can’t.

Helicopter 3

Helicopter 4

Helicopter 2


Another Kind Soul Lost To Us.

A few days ago, I received a very distressing email, in relation to a wonderful woman called Carolyn Lazarus, who I’d only known via email communication whilst discussing some guest posts, I was writing for a site she co-founded called Totally For Women.  We’d only corresponded 3 or 4 times, but I found her to be; kind, compassionate, very likeable, and a great believer in the strength & capacity of women.

I’d only spoken to Carolyn late January, via email, but then lost touch, primarily due to life’s twists & turns. So imagine my dismay to discover, very recently, that this lovely lady had been diagnosed with cancer in February, and sadly passed away in May.

Since, I received this terrible news, it’s made me realise that we must try to; maintain our contact with our network of friends and acquaintances because we never know what is happening in their lives. Also, we have to really live each and every day, because; this life we’re living can be very short, at times.   And whilst; I’m firm believer in Spirit, and I know Carolyn will always walk beside her loved ones, I would like to take a moment to wish them love & blessings during this heartbreaking time, and express my gratitude, that Carolyn was a part of my life, even for such a short period of time……….She was truly a lady, who; had a loving soul, gave her time willingly and really “Paid It Forward”.

Live each day; consciously and joyfully, because you never know when Spirit may call you back home.

WANTED! Write for Kindness Blog?

Kindness Blog

Hey There!

We’re pleased to advise that Kindness Blog is once again inviting submissions for content from guest bloggers, authors and our lovely readers!!

If you would like to share a kindness message, photograph, article or story, with this blog’s growing audience, please let us know by using the contact form below.

Preferred Topics and Subjects ~

Kindness, compassion, mindfulness, forgiveness, family, love, parenting, wisdom, grief, humanity, friendship, homelessness, life-lessons, morality, gentleness, non-violence, humility, loss, meditation, random acts of Kindness (RAOK), mental health and gratitude.

If you have any questions please do let us know.

Thank you and have a great weekend.


Team Kindness Blog.

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10 Huge Misconceptions About Emotional Child Abuse

This isn’t my usual type of post, but it’s a very thought-provoking piece, and it needs to be read, so I’ve reblogged it, to make people think……being Spiritual isn’t just about the good things in life, it’s also about the bad. We have to remember there’s a negative side.

The Invisible Scar

[via Neal Sanche] [via Neal Sanche] “How could you have been abused?” a grossly misinformed person in an adult survivor’s life may say. “You had a roof over your head, food in your belly, clothes, and no one ever hit you!”

But as every adult survivor of emotional child abuse knows, the essentials—good attention, unconditional love, and emotional support—were missing.

Unfortunately, however, many misconceptions about emotional child abuse abound. Here’s a look at some of the biggest ones.

Misconception #1: Emotional abuse is another word for verbal abuse

Fact:Emotional abuse includes verbal abuse, non-verbal abuse, and non-physical forms of abuse.

“Child abuse is more than bruises or broken bones,” state Melinda Smith, M.D., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D, in a HelpGuide article. “While physical abuse is shocking due to the scars it leaves, not all child abuse is as obvious. Ignoring children’s needs, putting them in unsupervised, dangerous situations, or making…

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