Is the Law of Attraction, just a Fairytale?

Rapunzel spent several years stowed away in a tower, idly awaiting her prince’s arrival, who, after climbing up her long tresses, rescued the fair maid, and they then lived happily ever after…….I frequently mull over their descent, though. How did they do it? Did her prince come equipped with his ladder? Or, as I’d like to think, was Rapunzel an advocate of affirmations and the power of positive thinking? And, unless you’ve been locked away in an adjoining tower, you’ll have heard of both these concepts, as well as The Law of Attraction.

I’m sure you’ll also know what it means to manifest something, although you may not believe you have the capability yourself. Yet, we all can create our dreamlife; using an indefinable, inner power; we were born with.

Inside our heads is an incredible tool that’s in use every second of every day. It never needs replenishing or re-charging like a computer. It’s responsive and alert all the time, even during sleep.

It’s an astounding piece of equipment, always learning, taking in an unbelievable amount of information each second. It’s capable of incredible feats of magic. Some would say its capacity; is as large as that of the Universe, and it’s probably the most valuable asset in our arsenal, especially when applied with positivity. 

However, use this same device with negativity, and we create unwanted situations and an unfulfilled life.

This unique mechanism can’t be purchased at a store and doesn’t have a silicon chip, instead; it’s a tenuous undetectable piece of apparatus that resides deep within our conscious mind, unseen yet yielding enormous power. It’s an essential part of our psyche and the home of our intuition, and generally referred to as our subconscious mind.

We’re taught to read and write, even to think, not realizing that we have the talent to manifest our reality. And, as we age, we’re more interested in the fitness of our physical body – and our bank accounts – leaving the well-being of our mind(s) to lag, a poor second…….until something goes wrong, of course. We’re aware; our conscious mind is continually in use, and we accept our ego as our sense-of-self, but rarely do we consider the idea; that our unconscious mind needs to be utilized to realize its full potential. This will ensure we’re well-rounded, happy individuals. With a little care and more forethought, we can become so by using positive speech patterns. However, unfortunately, it’s part of the human condition to allow negativity free reign.


Our words, like our thoughts, are in use every day. Various tones and sometimes hand gestures are used to converse with each other.  We can convey knowledge or deep emotions by a vocal expression or terminology used. Our fingers frequently fly over a keyboard, trying to make our speech physical, but do we truly appreciate the potential our spoken or written words can have?

When we hurt another person by the way we phrase a comment, whether it’s a deliberate act or not, it’s generally evident to all, but do we understand that we may also be harming ourselves?  While we attempt to censor our words, we don’t always do the same with our thoughts, resulting in a subliminal effect instigated by our subconscious mind.

Dwell on fear, or poverty, or the things that we believe we’re lacking, and our mind will assume we require more of the same, so if your mindset is centred around; ‘not having’, you need to be willing to adjust it!

While it’s challenging to turn our thoughts away from our issues if we want to improve a dire situation, isn’t a little mindful forethought worth the effort?  We need to, at least, ‘attempt’ to replace negativity with a more positive outlook. It could bring, untold rewards.

To use an analogy, consider yourself a human magnet, or target, surrounded by a personal energy field (your aura), that not only has an inbuilt, elasticized ability to rebound each thought, or word, back to its original starting point – namely you – and imagine; it also can create your reality, by thought alone.

Alternatively, picture the Universe as an immense reflective surface, much like a mirror, which duplicates every idea, or remark, magnifying them and then, returning them to sender

Send out an unhappy thought, and it will twang back to you. Emit a joyful wish, and it too will return. Envisage scarcity in your life, and poverty is what you’ll receive because, in a sense, you’ve placed an order with the Universe, specifying; ‘I want this and the Universe will be more than happy to accede to your request, no matter the context.

By the same thought, when using conscious, deliberate intent, we’re able to attract material possessions or ‘things’ into our lives. Isn’t that what we all really want? When we resolve to place an order with the Universe, we automatically think about the bigger house, more cash in the bank, an exotic-looking car, or a holiday to foreign locales. We’re human, so why shouldn’t we want; bigger and better?

I’m not saying; we don’t wish well for others or want emotional abundance and happiness in our own lives, but primarily if we’re attempting to manifest something, it’s generally something tangible. Something we can hold in our hands or something we believe; will add luxury to our lives.

On that subject, rest assured…… you’re not selfish by asking for a physical item. Sometimes we need to put our wants first, because; how can we fulfill someone else’s needs if ours aren’t being met? And remember; we all deserve happy, fulfilling lives, and if having ‘stuff’ is what completes yours, do not allow guilt to intrude.

The Universe and Spirit want us to have abundant lives, but it’s important to remember; whatever we send out into the Universe, whether by thought, word, or deed, it will return to us. Good, bad, or indifferent. Reality will be changed or created to meet any appeal.

Hermes Trismegistus said it best with the immortal words, “As above, so below, as within so without, as the Universe; so, the soul.”

Images with thanks to

A Challenge: One-Dollar-a-Week May save An Animal’s Life.

Over the last few months, whilst trawling Facebook, much to my dismay, and abject horror, I’ve noticed a sharp incline in reported cases of animal abuse. This made me question “are we as humans, becoming increasingly cruel, and losing our sense of compassion for other creatures, including our own class of bipeds?”


Some stories are so appalling, I veer between, sadness and grief, to anger, and hopes for instant karmic retribution, but recently; I saw another perspective……

For all the instances reported – other than, extremely dire, or cultural situations – someone took a stand.  Perhaps, a passing Good Samaritan found an injured animal and took it to a refuge, a vet or a wildlife centre.  Or, maybe a member of the emergency services rescued a stranded pet, or farm animal, during a fire, flood, or earthquake.


There are numerous refuge centres throughout the world, that give freely of their time, volunteering at all hours, and conservation workers in inhospitable places, put themselves at risk to ensure some species are preserved – These kind-hearted souls, are already aware; there are far too many animals on the endangered list as it is. Approximately 41,415 species, at last, count.

Various trusts and charities have been set up, to ensure, we; the supposedly ‘more intelligent’ species, donate our money if not our time, to help our earth remain; a beautiful world, flourishing with a true menagerie of wonderful creatures. Filling the skies above our head, the oceans and rivers we admire. They reside in rainforests and jungles, even in our gardens, and some, below our floorboards.


Animals feed us, clothe us, work for us, trust and follow us blindly, but most of all; they love us……….and, can we honestly say; we deserve their adoration and assistance?  Or; is it a case of; in our arrogance, We Expect It!

All this introspection, brought me to another thought……if each one on my friends or followers on social media, started to put aside; just one dollar a week, whether it be in an old coffee tin, a jar, or, even a special money box, at the end of 2016, the total amount would be $77,844 after 6 months $38,922 and at the end of a quarter $19,461. 


So am I…..although, in actuality; it would only cost each individual $52 annually.


My challenge to you is; start you own $1 a-week, charity jar, and, whilst; ‘animals are my thing’ perhaps you’d prefer to donate your money to a cancer-related or childhood charity the choice is yours.  I currently, donate monthly to the RSL, but whomever you choose; they’d appreciate the gift, whether it’ $13 a-quarter, $26 twice-yearly, or $52 annually.

I don’t know about you, but $1 wouldn’t even buy me a full-priced chocolate bar, but cumulatively, ‘all’ our dollars, might save a beautiful creatures life.

Below are some wonderful charities that would love your donations or perhaps you have your own personal favourite.

Make 2016, the year you give something back.

P.S: It’d be tax-deductible.



Another Kind Soul Lost To Us.

A few days ago, I received a very distressing email, in relation to a wonderful woman called Carolyn Lazarus, who I’d only known via email communication whilst discussing some guest posts, I was writing for a site she co-founded called Totally For Women.  We’d only corresponded 3 or 4 times, but I found her to be; kind, compassionate, very likeable, and a great believer in the strength & capacity of women.

I’d only spoken to Carolyn late January, via email, but then lost touch, primarily due to life’s twists & turns. So imagine my dismay to discover, very recently, that this lovely lady had been diagnosed with cancer in February, and sadly passed away in May.

Since, I received this terrible news, it’s made me realise that we must try to; maintain our contact with our network of friends and acquaintances because we never know what is happening in their lives. Also, we have to really live each and every day, because; this life we’re living can be very short, at times.   And whilst; I’m firm believer in Spirit, and I know Carolyn will always walk beside her loved ones, I would like to take a moment to wish them love & blessings during this heartbreaking time, and express my gratitude, that Carolyn was a part of my life, even for such a short period of time……….She was truly a lady, who; had a loving soul, gave her time willingly and really “Paid It Forward”.

Live each day; consciously and joyfully, because you never know when Spirit may call you back home.

Personality Quiz: Which Personality Are You? Ego type, Soul type or Self type?

Personality Quiz: Which Personality Are You? Ego type, Soul type or Self type?.

7 Absolute Best Tools To Protect Yourself From Negative Energies & Entities

7 Absolute Best Tools To Protect Yourself From Negative Energies & Entities.