You Can Find Love and Support in the Strangest Places

As you get older, you expect life to become more settled, or even structured; but that’s not what happened to me. In fact, I feel as if I’ve been riding a roller coaster for the last decade or so.

I’ve lost my father, my mother, and then, so very unexpectedly……my baby sister, who was not only my friend but also my confidant. She was my greatest supporter & always believed in what I did.

She was too young, too vibrant, and too full of love & life, but 11 months ago, Spirit decided they wanted her back. And, whilst I know I’ll see her again, I can’t believe she got taken, but the funny thing is, 3 weeks after she passed, she gave me a gift.

Two very spiritual women appeared in my life, totally by chance, and they seemed to adopt me as a sister. Moreover, it’s like we’ve become a coven of 3 like-minded souls.

It’s the kind of friendship, where we don’t live in each other’s pockets, but we do see each other when our lives allow. And, when help or support is needed, it’s supplied in abundance.

We think alike, with compassion for all creatures.

We walk the same path – the path of Spirit – just in different formats.

We laugh together and have even cried together.

I’ve told these women things I’ve not told anyone else.

It’s hard to believe I’ve known them for less than a year. It’s like they’ve always been in my life. So, perhaps……

We’re 3 old souls, or sister witches, coming together again across the years.  Women who’ve been reunited by my family’s tragedy.

As much as I miss my baby sister, I can’t help but thank her for the final gift she gave me. Someone, or actually; 2 someone’s to take her place and give me the love and support she always did and continues to do from Spirit.

I hope you’re as lucky as I am!


It’s funny, but when I started this post, it was supposed to be about my little dog (Loki) but when I put my fingers to the keyboard they went off on a journey of their own, so, I had something that needed saying, but just to end on a happy note, here’s a picture of ‘My Terror’. Perhaps the next post should be his……he’s a real experience, believe me!

Loki aka Ratbag


Shamanic Dreams of a Pagan Earth



“To be a witch is to love and be loved.
To be a witch is to know everything, and nothing at all.
To be a witch is to move amongst the stars while staying on earth.
To be a witch is to change the world around you, and yourself.
To be a witch is to share and give, while receiving all the while.
To be a witch is to dance and sing, and hold hands with the universe.
To be a witch is to honor the gods, and yourself.
To be a witch is to Be Magick, not just perform it.
To be a witch is to be honorable, or nothing at all.
To be a witch is to accept others who are not.
To be a witch is to know what you feel is right and good.
To be a witch is to harm none.

View original post 113 more words

Is Being (A) Psychic All It’s Cracked Up To Be?

When you’re a child, and being asked “what do you want to be when you grow up” I’m sure it’s a very rare child that says ‘I want to be a psychic’, but unfortunately sometimes that’s your path, and it can be both an amazing yet difficult path.

Not only, do you have to contend with the emergence of abilities that you never expected, but there is also; society’s expectations, being family & friends, your clients, even colleagues within the industry.  And, let’s not forget spirit, and when I use that term, I am merely referring to ‘People without actual bodies’………believe me they have the same emotions we do, ranging from love, to; sometimes anger.

You’ the individual, can get lost along the way.  And not everyone understands that it’s a two-way street, we don’t work for them or vice-versa. We work together in cohesive harmony.

Devon Witches Plaque - I was born in Devon

Devon Witches Plaque – I was born in Devon

To have such a vocation can be both a gift and a curse, and I do speak from experience, not, that I regret any moment of my journey but there have been moments when I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into.

Many wonderful people come into your life, but there can be the ‘odd’ one or two that either; expect too much believing that you’re the Delphic Oracle, or there’s the other extreme, whereby you’re the devil incarnate, especially if you don’t adhere to orthodox religion.

Not every psychic believes in the ‘little white-haired old man upstairs’ but we do believe in something, whether it be Wicca, Spiritualism, Buddhism, Pantheism (the belief that all things interconnect) or one of many other alternate religions. It still makes us human

We can have experiences that delight us, surprise us, confound us and even scare us. Imagine being sat in a house on your own, when the power goes out, and you start to hear evil cackling laughter coming down the hall. …..been there, done that, don’t want to do it again.

Part of a Mural on an Exeter (Devon) Wall.

Part of a Mural on an Exeter (Devon) Wall.

And contrary to some beliefs, we are not always ‘on’.  We are capable of having a conversation without being able to immediately ‘know’ what is happening in someone’s else’s life……or want to know for that matter, it’s not our business, and definitely not ethical.

It’s also exceedingly difficult working in an industry where new therapies appear almost daily, and skills are touted by so-called experts, with only a few days training.

The biggest majority of spiritual workers genuinely want to help others, but there are charlatans out there, and unfortunately these few can tarnish the rest, and leave us with an almost ambivalent feeling towards our own inherent gifts.

Our abilities can change overnight unexpectedly, almost like a promotion, or they can remain static for life because that’s our given path. They can even be taken away if used the wrong way, or we can request a ’talent’ break, which is something I personally have done twice (including currently)…..although, previously I ended up with more advanced skills afterwards……..was having a little break now a good idea, I wonder?

And in finality, if I had a dollar for every palm placed under my nose, with the words ‘read this’……well, you know the rest…….