Are we as Humans, being culled, due to our lack of humanity?

Have Spirit decided they’ve had enough of ‘Us’?

This is a subject I’ve been mulling over for quite a while, and this morning; after nearly being conned on social media by a ‘young lady’- a term I use loosely – with too much time on her hands & missing a moral code, I decided to put pen to paper.

When you look at the World today, we’re contending with; a man-made pandemic, a War caused by one man’s yearning to recycle an outdated empire (or his own, Tsardom).

We have Tsunamis and earthquakes, bushfires & floods. All because we can not control our need for bigger & better, in the name of technological advances.

Incredible creatures no longer exist, or are on the way to extinction, because in our arrogance we’re decimating their homes. That’s not forgetting the amazing animals being killed in the name of sport.

We’re destroying the very earth we walk on, but, on a day-to-day basis have we become oblivious to our part in this annihilation.

Instead of progressing with each step forward, we seem to be reverting to a more; aggressive, selfish, and unkind race – are we in our superiority & conceit, going to blast ourselves back to Neanderthal-like times? Where we’ll need to start all over again, because of the mistakes we’ve made, or….

Is, Spirit going to do it for us?

Whilst we’re allowed ‘do-overs’ in our personal life, if there’s no World to stand upon, no water to drink, no arable land to grow crops upon, no natural beauty or animals to admire – where will we be?

The way we treat each other. Our lack of respect & dignity. The abhorrent need to be the best – don’t we realize, there is only one human race?

I’ll hold my hand up, in the last few years I’ve become less trusting of my fellow humans, in fact, I never answer my mobile phone; because 80% of the time it’s a scammer or telemarketer calling – I, now believe, I’m on their ‘close-contacts’ list.

So, while it’s allegedly man-made, is Covid a wake-up call from Spirit? And I’m not meaning to be callous to people who have lost friends and family to this horrendous & relentless disease, because they have my compassion, but…

Are we coming close to our use-by date?

Is our lack of conscience concerning, littering, polluting, fracking, and stripping the world’s resources causing all the natural, & very tragic disasters in the world? Are Spirit saying…

Enough Is Enough!”

Are we now paying for our inhumanity?

But will we learn?

Will we change?


Are we too far gone?

Image by un-perfekt from Pixabay

You Can Find Love and Support in the Strangest Places

As you get older, you expect life to become more settled, or even structured; but that’s not what happened to me. In fact, I feel as if I’ve been riding a roller coaster for the last decade or so.

I’ve lost my father, my mother, and then, so very unexpectedly……my baby sister, who was not only my friend but also my confidant. She was my greatest supporter & always believed in what I did.

She was too young, too vibrant, and too full of love & life, but 11 months ago, Spirit decided they wanted her back. And, whilst I know I’ll see her again, I can’t believe she got taken, but the funny thing is, 3 weeks after she passed, she gave me a gift.

Two very spiritual women appeared in my life, totally by chance, and they seemed to adopt me as a sister. Moreover, it’s like we’ve become a coven of 3 like-minded souls.

It’s the kind of friendship, where we don’t live in each other’s pockets, but we do see each other when our lives allow. And, when help or support is needed, it’s supplied in abundance.

We think alike, with compassion for all creatures.

We walk the same path – the path of Spirit – just in different formats.

We laugh together and have even cried together.

I’ve told these women things I’ve not told anyone else.

It’s hard to believe I’ve known them for less than a year. It’s like they’ve always been in my life. So, perhaps……

We’re 3 old souls, or sister witches, coming together again across the years.  Women who’ve been reunited by my family’s tragedy.

As much as I miss my baby sister, I can’t help but thank her for the final gift she gave me. Someone, or actually; 2 someone’s to take her place and give me the love and support she always did and continues to do from Spirit.

I hope you’re as lucky as I am!


It’s funny, but when I started this post, it was supposed to be about my little dog (Loki) but when I put my fingers to the keyboard they went off on a journey of their own, so, I had something that needed saying, but just to end on a happy note, here’s a picture of ‘My Terror’. Perhaps the next post should be his……he’s a real experience, believe me!

Loki aka Ratbag

And The Vicar Said: “You’re All Orphans, Now”.

Losing a parent is very hard! This I found out in 2009 when my much-loved Father passed away.

Based in the UK at the time, this distressing event was the motivator that caused me to return to Perth, & make it my home – I didn’t want to be 12,000 miles away in case something happened to my Mother.

Fortunately, she always took care of herself, and exercised regularly, and bounced back from any illness, but… location, & her resilience, really had nothing to do with life’s plan, because; heartbreakingly……my Mother passed away at the end of February after a short & unexpected stay in hospital.

Because we (I have 5 siblings) were so unprepared for Mum to make this journey, it’s struck us all in different ways, for myself – my life has seemed to stop – it’s like, I’m in limbo, and yet; I have an innate belief that life goes on in Spirit, but this doesn’t stop me; missing her greatly, and it’s brought with it, a sense of aloneness, that I ‘never’ normally feel.

It’s also highlighted my father’s passing and, the fact that; as the vicar said: “We’re all orphans now”.

I know, I’m not the only person to have lost both their parents, in truth, I consider myself lucky to have had them, as long as I did, but it doesn’t stop the pain or the sense of unfairness. Yet though all this, I’m aware; they’ve only stepped through another door, and continue to watch over me, and the rest of their ‘quite large’ & well-loved family.

Over the last few months, there have been times that Mum has made her presence known. She’s told me she loves me, held my hand whilst I was walking to the local shops (we always used to shop together), and once, she even made her displeasure quite obvious, when I got a non-too-gentle clip around the back of my head.

It’s starting to get cold in Perth now, & late one evening, I turned on the gas heater – I’m not a fan of gas, so very rarely use it – but, I did one night, and the heat, & exhaustion gradually made me nod off. Only to be woken quite abruptly by Mum’s little love-tap. She probably found it quite funny, but then; so did I, after a moment of chagrin.

As time has passed, I’ve remembered everything my parents ever did for me, and I’m very grateful, that I came to earth with my spiritual abilities, because not only, do I know ‘I will see them again!’ but it’s also added a degree of comfort to my family.

So with sadness, comes joy. With grief, comes remembrance, and with faith, comes trust, that; our family & friends never leave us. They walk by our side, and watch, listen, laugh, cry, & most of all; love with us, until it’s our turn to take the next step, in life’s great adventure.


My Parents, in their early twenties – approx 1957.

Caterpillar’s Alchemy

How often do you see a Caterpillar crawling through your well-tended plants, and curse it, for the damage it’ll do? Or, have you even ‘disposed’ of it, or been tempted to; in a manner, which wouldn’t be considered humane?

When you see something big, hairy and wiggly crawl across your path, do you immediately consider it a garden pest, or do you look at it; as a creature that will ‘shortly’ transmute into some beautiful? Something striking, that will only add to the beauty of your garden?

We’ve learnt through the years, whether at school or through another means, that a caterpillar will eventually become a butterfly, or a moth, much the same way a tadpole becomes a frog, but; unless we’re spiritually aware, we’d never consider how beneficial; Caterpillar’s appearance could be to our lives.

In Australia, we’re at the tail-end of winter and spring is starting to come into view, flowers are blossoming, and birds are happily courting a mate, so I shouldn’t have been surprised to see caterpillars, of all sizes on a daily basis, cavorting amongst the plants, some days, I’ve even seen 3 or 4. One after the other………it was a revelation though; to see a caterpillar crawl along a spiritual finger – during a meditation – and subsequently clamber onto my shoulder, then sit on his tail (do they have tails?), whilst reaching towards my face.

I figured Spirit had a message for me, that wasn’t divulged at the time, so I did a little research and discovered that Caterpillar is symbolic of:

• Transmutation like a caterpillar, into something beautiful.
• The ability to create a sturdy foundation, for a wonderful future.
• The ability to be discreet and to hide one’s secrets, as well keep one’s head down – be invisible.
• Great potential & good luck, when starting something new.
• New Birth & evolution – transforming your life for the better.
• Imbues the ability to patiently wait, for a pleasant outcome.
• Enables one to face forwards to the future, not backwards to the past.
• Listening to your intuition, before running ahead with a new goal or dream.
• Sensitivity and creativity.

Also, caterpillar’s appearance could imply:

• We’re not changing, or shedding our old life to prepare for new one.
• Someone could be obstructing us, but may not be open about it, therefore we need the ability to see others pragmatically, or as they really are – caterpillar can help with this.
• The acceptance that; when our life changes, it may not be comfortable, or recognisable.

When considering, caterpillar, it’s also worth looking at Butterfly’s spiritual message:

• Transformation and transition, from one life to another.
• Spiritual growth and resurrection.
• The Soul – in some traditions, the sighting of a butterfly signifies the passing of a soul, over to Spirit. It’s said they carry the spirit of the dead to Heaven.
• It can signify the; emergence of happiness and joy in your life, together with life’s celebration. Or, it may be asking you to look for the joy in your life if you’ve misplaced it. We all do, on occasion.
• The cyclical nature of life, similar to the Wheel of Fortune in Tarot – sometimes are lives are ‘up’ and sometimes; they’re ‘down’.
• It’s time to become more spiritually minded – the elevation of our spiritual self.

So next time you’re about to step on a little wiggly creature, ask yourself; what he may be telling you.

Oh, and just a little codicil to this post; today, I rescued 3 wasps. Two were attempting to drown them-selves in the pool, and a 3rd was wandering around the kitchen – I guess, I’d better check to see what they’re here to disclose……as long as it doesn’t come with a sting, even a metaphorical one……

And, should I mention that; a few days ago, I had a dream involving a Tortoise climbing some stairs, whilst wearing a train conductor’s hat…..The start of a children’s story, maybe?

A Reminder to Live Now

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

Some people spend so much time considering what happens to us after death, they forget to LIVE in the now!Being a spiritual advisor I have many people contact me wanting to know about life after death and what has happened to their loved ones. It’s understandable to want to know about your loved ones. I feel that most people have lived as well as they possibly could and you should not worry about where they are in the spirit world. I believe many would be surprised at who is at high levels in spirit.

Put aside religious teachings and think about the fact that The Divine Supreme being is pure love. If that is the case I cannot see harsh judgments coming from the essence of pure love.

So my advice is to start being in the moment and living now.  Do not be one of those people who spend so much time considering what happens after death that they forget about now.   Remember to LIVE in the…

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The Akashic Records. Everything that was, that is, and will be.

Talk to an Egyptologist, or a historian who studies ancient civilisations, and they’ll be able to wax lyrical about the Royal Library of Alexandria. Talk to a true spiritualist, especially one from the old school, and you’ll discover they’ll happily chat about the Akashic Records. And, whilst; our perceived view of the Akashic records, can be individual to each person, it is generally seen as a collection of books; that holds the annals of our lives. It stores every event, every action, every thought, every judgement dispensed, including our behaviours, good & bad. Our karmic retribution – if that’s the right word – can also be found there.

There is not a moment of our lives, past, present or, future, that is not already written in these momentous writings. In short, it’s……..US!

Many, many moons ago (too many to count), when I was still a novice, I was lucky enough be guided by several trance mediums, either as a long-term student, or as an invited guest, and during these events, I experienced the channelling of some great spiritual teachers, who frequently discussed their visits to the ‘Records’ and…….during meditation, I, myself, have entered this unbelievable; library of life.

I remember being stood in; what looked like; an immense room that seemed to stretch to eternity, and back. There were stacks – as in library stacks – of ancient leather-bound books. If I looked upwards, I could not see the top shelf, just numerous, rows of books, they had that old paper smell, full of dust, and tanned hide. Their bindings were etched in Cyrillic-like script, don’t ask me how I knew it was Cyrillic, I just did, even though I couldn’t translate it.

I hadn’t entered the hall through a door, I’d just arrived at a certain spot, and as I touched a book, shelved at eye-level, to my left, the script; wavered & shimmered and my own name appeared, but I dithered about removing it from its place. Did I really want to know what’s ahead of me?

Surely, part of our learning path is the adventures, and challenges we face?

Would reading my ‘own’ life story, affect events, and would I be over-stepping, to want more answers?

Just because, I have inherent abilities, gifted from Spirit; does it allow me more rights than anyone else?

Did I peek? Heck, Yes!

Does it make me any wiser? Uh, no!

It just left me more confused, straddling a tightrope between two worlds, with one foot in the spiritual realm, the other on earth. Eternally judging myself, and my behaviour; knowing I’m Spirit walking the world, as opposed to a human; experiencing life.

So, whilst the answers are all out there, maybe we’re not really supposed to know them?

If you want to learn more about The Akashic Records, check out the following site.
