We Don’t Always, Know, The Things We Know

I recently joined an online mediumship mentoring group, not as a mentor, just like a normal, average, everyday person, and it’s made me realise that…

We don’t always know, the things we know!

During the few days that I’ve been involved with the group, I’ve commented on 3 posts, & I’ve noticed it’s been the more unusual posts, and I’ve been using knowledge, I gained and probably mentally filed away, 30 years ago.

I found this quite surprising because the information, to me, has always been inside my head, & yet one of the topics – Apports – has coincidentally been mentioned by me, twice in the last couple of days

For those, who aren’t aware; an Apport, is an object that appears in our life, almost by supernatural means. It will seem to come from nowhere, & in the most unexpected place. It’s generally believed an Apport manifests during or after a séance, but that’s not technically correct – an Apport, will arrive whenever Spirit wishes it to, & it will normally have some significance to either the receiver or sender or can appear if we’ve beseeched Spirit for help of some kind.

I’ve digressed slightly, because, while I know of such a spiritual event, it’s not something I’ve had the call to talk about; for years, and yet; suddenly; it’s been there; Twice!

And while our minds are incredibly complex and have a storage system beyond compare, there are also believed to be, external facilities we have access to. 

Some refer to the Akashic Records – a library, of the Universe in its entirety, including, the past, present & future. It contains, events, emotions, thoughts, ideas & our intent. And it can be accessed when needed.

Others refer to Cosmic Consciousness – We’re all part of The Whole, & everything interconnects, leading to Spiritual Enlightenment. Meaning we just tap in, when necessary.

I like the idea of Pantheism myself – the idea, that God & The Universe are one, not individual from each other. (Sorry, but I can never quite buy into the; little white-haired old man). Pantheists also believe; ‘All things’ interconnect, & that one religion wouldn’t exist without another religion. So, is that where our learning comes from? The interconnectedness?

There’s also the idea; Spirit, supply us with the knowledge we require when it’s needed. Almost, as if; they sit there with a little book & feed the information in – an analogy I use when trying to explain how my mediumships works is; it’s like a ‘Shop’s Open’ light goes on above my head in Spirit, & they know it’s time for us both to work – is this what happens, when we need data?

Some people, even randomly believe, information is dispensed to us, by extra-terrestrial beings, because they’ve had eons of learning and are more technologically advanced than us. Is it true, who knows?

So, do we really; Know the Things We Know?


Maybe, we subconsciously plug ourselves into an immense database bursting with knowledge? 


Perhaps, the information is being fed to us, by external forces? Whomever they may be.

Next time knowledge suddenly arrives in your head, or on the tip of your tongue, take a moment to wonder… Is it something, you already knew? Or did it appear, as if by magic?

I, myself, am never too sure.

Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay 

The ‘Guys Upstairs’ Are Ready To; Get Back To Work.

Over the last couple of years, possibly longer, my life has been on a downward trajectory. If it could happen, it did! Everything, from; the passing of immediate family members, to a sudden house move, followed by financial problems & health issues – It’s been a fun time!

But, fortunately, I’m a great believer that; I will always survive!

And, as my life has been falling apart, more people have been directed to me, who require ‘something.’ Whether it be emotional or spiritual help, to neighbours who are confusing me with Kmart. Seriously, they ask me for everything from; batteries, to money, to sweets – It must be the aura I wear? Lol.

More recently, people who require help are sent my way, from the ‘Guys Upstairs’ – Just a little term-of-affection, I use for my Spiritual Team – and, it’s obvious; they’re more than ready to knuckle down.

So, while Covid is reigning supreme around us and altering people’s lives dramatically, my ‘upstairs guys’ have decided it’s time; I got back to doing what I’m best at – working with them.

They can have an amusing sense of the ironic, though – I decide I need transformation in my life, so they resolve it needs to be in their direction.

The irony is; it’s supposed to happen in the current Mercury Retrograde period, which is always a time of going backwards & re-doing something (especially if it’s communication-related)

Don’t get me wrong – Spirit doesn’t ‘decree’ or ‘order’ because it’s a 2-way-street, but; they throw opportunities or synchronicities, so, eventually, you get the message!


Irrespective of what is or isn’t happening in my life, and the need for masks, or lockdowns, or isolation-periods, it looks like I’m back in their game – but it’ll have to be digitally (via email) or by telephone, as the world’s situation is ever-changing.

It seems, though, ‘my guys’ want it to be; them & me (and clients, of course!), because I’ve attempted to commence work with an external psychic-line but, talk about one-sided bureaucratic palaver (I think Mercury Retro had some input there too).

“Work with Spirit. It’ll be fun,” they probably promised before I came down here, but; “While you’re there, you’ll have a lot of lessons to work through” – hmmm? I’ve got that message, real good!

My warning from them is, “we’ve given you some amazing abilities – Use. Them! Don’t. Waste. Them! Otherwise, Life can become a pain”.

And I’m tired now of fighting against it, and therefore, shortly, you’ll see a ‘Readings Now Available‘ page added to my site.

(So, there are no misunderstandings, I love Spirit & my abilities, and I enjoy helping people. It’s my raison d’etre, but I think I’ve been visited for a wee-while by the Tarot’s Tower card – although, my Tower must’ve had sturdy builders. Lol)

Moth (Australian Brown House) – As we all know, they search for The Light!

Those who are skeptical of the abilities which “pet psychics” claim to have, should read this …

Animals are more incredible than we can imagine…..just like Spirit, they; think, feel, love, hurt, and give unconditionally.

Psychic Medium & Animal Communicator Charles Peden

As a former skeptic of the ability to communicate with animals via telepathy I was curious as to what people who are not so open to such ideas would say about pet psychics.

I must say that I do not believe that everyone who claims to have this ability is truly being honest. Just like the psychic medium field is plagued with fraud, so is the animal communicator field. Sadly when one has an experience that does not meet their expectations, they tend to tell everyone about it. Those who have had a genuine experience do not always inform their friends and family since they do not want to deal with being ridiculed by others who have not had their own experience or whom do not have an open mind.

Even after discovering the ability to “speak” with the dead, I was not ready to accept that you could talk…

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Caterpillar’s Alchemy

How often do you see a Caterpillar crawling through your well-tended plants, and curse it, for the damage it’ll do? Or, have you even ‘disposed’ of it, or been tempted to; in a manner, which wouldn’t be considered humane?

When you see something big, hairy and wiggly crawl across your path, do you immediately consider it a garden pest, or do you look at it; as a creature that will ‘shortly’ transmute into some beautiful? Something striking, that will only add to the beauty of your garden?

We’ve learnt through the years, whether at school or through another means, that a caterpillar will eventually become a butterfly, or a moth, much the same way a tadpole becomes a frog, but; unless we’re spiritually aware, we’d never consider how beneficial; Caterpillar’s appearance could be to our lives.

In Australia, we’re at the tail-end of winter and spring is starting to come into view, flowers are blossoming, and birds are happily courting a mate, so I shouldn’t have been surprised to see caterpillars, of all sizes on a daily basis, cavorting amongst the plants, some days, I’ve even seen 3 or 4. One after the other………it was a revelation though; to see a caterpillar crawl along a spiritual finger – during a meditation – and subsequently clamber onto my shoulder, then sit on his tail (do they have tails?), whilst reaching towards my face.

I figured Spirit had a message for me, that wasn’t divulged at the time, so I did a little research and discovered that Caterpillar is symbolic of:

• Transmutation like a caterpillar, into something beautiful.
• The ability to create a sturdy foundation, for a wonderful future.
• The ability to be discreet and to hide one’s secrets, as well keep one’s head down – be invisible.
• Great potential & good luck, when starting something new.
• New Birth & evolution – transforming your life for the better.
• Imbues the ability to patiently wait, for a pleasant outcome.
• Enables one to face forwards to the future, not backwards to the past.
• Listening to your intuition, before running ahead with a new goal or dream.
• Sensitivity and creativity.

Also, caterpillar’s appearance could imply:

• We’re not changing, or shedding our old life to prepare for new one.
• Someone could be obstructing us, but may not be open about it, therefore we need the ability to see others pragmatically, or as they really are – caterpillar can help with this.
• The acceptance that; when our life changes, it may not be comfortable, or recognisable.

When considering, caterpillar, it’s also worth looking at Butterfly’s spiritual message:

• Transformation and transition, from one life to another.
• Spiritual growth and resurrection.
• The Soul – in some traditions, the sighting of a butterfly signifies the passing of a soul, over to Spirit. It’s said they carry the spirit of the dead to Heaven.
• It can signify the; emergence of happiness and joy in your life, together with life’s celebration. Or, it may be asking you to look for the joy in your life if you’ve misplaced it. We all do, on occasion.
• The cyclical nature of life, similar to the Wheel of Fortune in Tarot – sometimes are lives are ‘up’ and sometimes; they’re ‘down’.
• It’s time to become more spiritually minded – the elevation of our spiritual self.

So next time you’re about to step on a little wiggly creature, ask yourself; what he may be telling you.

Oh, and just a little codicil to this post; today, I rescued 3 wasps. Two were attempting to drown them-selves in the pool, and a 3rd was wandering around the kitchen – I guess, I’d better check to see what they’re here to disclose……as long as it doesn’t come with a sting, even a metaphorical one……

And, should I mention that; a few days ago, I had a dream involving a Tortoise climbing some stairs, whilst wearing a train conductor’s hat…..The start of a children’s story, maybe?

Spirit Guides & Finding your Power Animal or Totem Animal

Fascinating Animals

Eagle and Buffalo

Photo Link

From my understanding, we all have access to the divine realm of spiritual guidance or spirit guides, to assist us on our Journeys through life.  I believe that there is more to us than our physical, visible bodies.

We are made up of matter, as are non-living materials.  At our smallest unit, commonly agreed upon, we are made up of atoms.  But atoms themselves are made up of electrons, protons and neutrons, which themselves are composed of space and light.


In the beginning was  ……

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Personality Quiz: Which Personality Are You? Ego type, Soul type or Self type?

Personality Quiz: Which Personality Are You? Ego type, Soul type or Self type?.

Animal Intelligence, or; Monkey-see, Monkey-do?

Animals never cease to amaze me, and this morning an event occurred that made me wonder, not only about their intelligence but also their; group mentality, or consciousness if you will.

I was on my way to the gym, a trip I make, 4 times a week, always via the same route, which takes me across a small patch of grass, traversed by a path, and holding several large trees, that are always full of Ravens – this mini-park is approximately a half-a-mile from my home.

Whilst walking down the path today, I saw ahead of me, at about Solar Plexus height, a bird, flying directly towards me at breakneck speed, in fact, when I first noticed it, I comically visualised, this creature slamming into my body, impaling me on its beak………..imagine my surprise, when this beautiful bird, that turned out to be a magpie, gracefully landed at my feet, and started chattering away like we were old friends.

Now, as some of you may be aware, I live near a lake and frequently feed the local bird-life, but I didn’t have any food on hand, which I proceeded to tell ‘the bird’ much to the delight of passers-by.

This experience made me wonder, was the bird; a youngster from my usual flock, who’d grown and gone to seek out his own territory, thereby confirming that wild creatures do remember those who treat them kindly, or had he received the information that I was a soft-touch, via some avian version of cosmic consciousness?

The Cosmos

Cosmic consciousness (the interconnectedness of life) is well known when referring to humans but have we really considered it in relation to animals, or nature, and yet many theories abound, in fact, most new-agers are aware of an ‘Urban Legend’ whereby; a monkey on an island digs up a potato but doesn’t want to eat it covered in dirt. So the monkey decides to wash her potato (yes, it’s a she, of course!) in the ocean, and over a period of time; other monkeys in her group, start to wash their potatoes too. This is then followed by monkeys on neighbouring islands also washing their food to clean it……this type of group behavioural change, is ‘sometimes’ referred to, as The Hundredth Monkey Effect.

Monkey Earth

A similar process is; Morphic Resonance whereby it’s suggested that memories are inherited biologically, within a species, even from previous members of the collective group.

And, if you consider The Butterfly Effect (a principle of chaos theory) whereby; a butterfly flapping its wings causes a hurricane thousands of miles away, we shouldn’t really; let nature, or the animal world surprise us, because; to quote Hamlet “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”. 

I personally am a great believer in cosmic consciousness, and when thinking about religion, I prefer to follow a path that crosses both spiritual and pantheistic belief.

(Pantheism is; the belief that everything is part of a divine whole and is interconnected, including spirit, or……God, is you prefer)

Cosmic Consciousness

If you’re interested in Chaos Theory or Morphic resonance, take a look at the following links, for easily understandable definitions.

