We Don’t Always, Know, The Things We Know

I recently joined an online mediumship mentoring group, not as a mentor, just like a normal, average, everyday person, and it’s made me realise that…

We don’t always know, the things we know!

During the few days that I’ve been involved with the group, I’ve commented on 3 posts, & I’ve noticed it’s been the more unusual posts, and I’ve been using knowledge, I gained and probably mentally filed away, 30 years ago.

I found this quite surprising because the information, to me, has always been inside my head, & yet one of the topics – Apports – has coincidentally been mentioned by me, twice in the last couple of days

For those, who aren’t aware; an Apport, is an object that appears in our life, almost by supernatural means. It will seem to come from nowhere, & in the most unexpected place. It’s generally believed an Apport manifests during or after a séance, but that’s not technically correct – an Apport, will arrive whenever Spirit wishes it to, & it will normally have some significance to either the receiver or sender or can appear if we’ve beseeched Spirit for help of some kind.

I’ve digressed slightly, because, while I know of such a spiritual event, it’s not something I’ve had the call to talk about; for years, and yet; suddenly; it’s been there; Twice!

And while our minds are incredibly complex and have a storage system beyond compare, there are also believed to be, external facilities we have access to. 

Some refer to the Akashic Records – a library, of the Universe in its entirety, including, the past, present & future. It contains, events, emotions, thoughts, ideas & our intent. And it can be accessed when needed.

Others refer to Cosmic Consciousness – We’re all part of The Whole, & everything interconnects, leading to Spiritual Enlightenment. Meaning we just tap in, when necessary.

I like the idea of Pantheism myself – the idea, that God & The Universe are one, not individual from each other. (Sorry, but I can never quite buy into the; little white-haired old man). Pantheists also believe; ‘All things’ interconnect, & that one religion wouldn’t exist without another religion. So, is that where our learning comes from? The interconnectedness?

There’s also the idea; Spirit, supply us with the knowledge we require when it’s needed. Almost, as if; they sit there with a little book & feed the information in – an analogy I use when trying to explain how my mediumships works is; it’s like a ‘Shop’s Open’ light goes on above my head in Spirit, & they know it’s time for us both to work – is this what happens, when we need data?

Some people, even randomly believe, information is dispensed to us, by extra-terrestrial beings, because they’ve had eons of learning and are more technologically advanced than us. Is it true, who knows?

So, do we really; Know the Things We Know?


Maybe, we subconsciously plug ourselves into an immense database bursting with knowledge? 


Perhaps, the information is being fed to us, by external forces? Whomever they may be.

Next time knowledge suddenly arrives in your head, or on the tip of your tongue, take a moment to wonder… Is it something, you already knew? Or did it appear, as if by magic?

I, myself, am never too sure.

Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay