The ‘Guys Upstairs’ Are Ready To; Get Back To Work.

Over the last couple of years, possibly longer, my life has been on a downward trajectory. If it could happen, it did! Everything, from; the passing of immediate family members, to a sudden house move, followed by financial problems & health issues – It’s been a fun time!

But, fortunately, I’m a great believer that; I will always survive!

And, as my life has been falling apart, more people have been directed to me, who require ‘something.’ Whether it be emotional or spiritual help, to neighbours who are confusing me with Kmart. Seriously, they ask me for everything from; batteries, to money, to sweets – It must be the aura I wear? Lol.

More recently, people who require help are sent my way, from the ‘Guys Upstairs’ – Just a little term-of-affection, I use for my Spiritual Team – and, it’s obvious; they’re more than ready to knuckle down.

So, while Covid is reigning supreme around us and altering people’s lives dramatically, my ‘upstairs guys’ have decided it’s time; I got back to doing what I’m best at – working with them.

They can have an amusing sense of the ironic, though – I decide I need transformation in my life, so they resolve it needs to be in their direction.

The irony is; it’s supposed to happen in the current Mercury Retrograde period, which is always a time of going backwards & re-doing something (especially if it’s communication-related)

Don’t get me wrong – Spirit doesn’t ‘decree’ or ‘order’ because it’s a 2-way-street, but; they throw opportunities or synchronicities, so, eventually, you get the message!


Irrespective of what is or isn’t happening in my life, and the need for masks, or lockdowns, or isolation-periods, it looks like I’m back in their game – but it’ll have to be digitally (via email) or by telephone, as the world’s situation is ever-changing.

It seems, though, ‘my guys’ want it to be; them & me (and clients, of course!), because I’ve attempted to commence work with an external psychic-line but, talk about one-sided bureaucratic palaver (I think Mercury Retro had some input there too).

“Work with Spirit. It’ll be fun,” they probably promised before I came down here, but; “While you’re there, you’ll have a lot of lessons to work through” – hmmm? I’ve got that message, real good!

My warning from them is, “we’ve given you some amazing abilities – Use. Them! Don’t. Waste. Them! Otherwise, Life can become a pain”.

And I’m tired now of fighting against it, and therefore, shortly, you’ll see a ‘Readings Now Available‘ page added to my site.

(So, there are no misunderstandings, I love Spirit & my abilities, and I enjoy helping people. It’s my raison d’etre, but I think I’ve been visited for a wee-while by the Tarot’s Tower card – although, my Tower must’ve had sturdy builders. Lol)

Moth (Australian Brown House) – As we all know, they search for The Light!

Conversations With Our Spirit Guides

Sentient Metaphysics

Contacting Our Spirit Guides

Conversation with spirit

Connecting With Our Spirit Guides

Spirit guides come in many forms, depending on the life path you have chosen before coming to Earth and how quickly you wish to grow, as a spiritual being. They may be your Great Grandmother or Grandfather or a spirit being that has transcended life on school house earth, or both. The willingness to learn and how old your soul is, determines the guides that you have around you.

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